by Manuel Suarez | | AGM Blog, Blog
Customer acquisition is one of the most important aspects of any business. Yet, it may not be clear where to start. In this post, we’ll explain everything you need to know about customer acquisition. We’ll discuss what it is, how it works, the benefits...
by Manuel Suarez | | AGM Blog, Blog
One of these days, a few of my staff recorded a new podcast episode for my agency. They were talking about messaging, and within that topic, they talked about what motivates people, in other words, what gets people to move. This sparked a fact in my memory that...
by Manuel Suarez | | AGM Blog, Blog
All healthy businesses have multiple products and services. Because the more things you can offer people, the more people you can help, and the more money you can make. “Wait, what Manuel?! You want to make money?” Yes, I want to make money, and McDonald’s wants...
by Manuel Suarez | | AGM Blog, Blog
On a private call with one of my ninja lab members, we talked about a special app that can do some amazing revenue related things for you. The kinds of things that would help them boost their AOV in your online store. AOV, if you’re unfamiliar with the term, stands...
by Manuel Suarez | | AGM Blog, Blog
“What keeps them up at night?” What does this really mean? We’re not talking about babies keeping you up at night here, we’re talking about what is keeping your ideal customers up at night! For many people, there’s a big problem they need help solving. And if you can...