Did you know the secret to being an overnight success?

It’s usually 5 to 10 years of hard work that no one ever sees.

You may be familiar with Dr. Eric Berg, we call him The Knowledge Doc.

If you search for anything keto diet related on YouTube you’re almost guaranteed to see his videos.

But he started out as a regular chiropractor.

Yep, just a “Regular Joe” in the chiropractic community you could say.

But, there was something different that drove him to want to help more people than he could see in his clinic.

So, when this new thing called YouTube showed up on the internet he began posting videos on there.

And he never stopped.

Now he’s got a health and wellness empire that educates, inspires, and serves millions of people all over the world.

I think that’s pretty amazing.

But what about you?

Since you’re reading this I can only imagine it’s because you run a business or you want to.

And maybe right now, you’re just a “Regular Joe” in your community.

But you don’t have to stay there.

I bet there’s someone in your same business category who’s hit it big.

And if they can do it, SO CAN YOU!

If you have a passion for serving people you can create your own tribe of raging fans that will support you as you support them.

And in this day and age you can do that through your social media.

That’s why my team and I are here.

To help guide you along your social media journey.

One way we’re doing that is through free weekly live workshops.

Every other Thursday, we put on a FREE Marketing Workshop at the AGM Headquarters located in Largo, FL.

We have covered topics such as: How To Get Your First 100 Subscribers On Youtube, How To Create Content For Social Media, and MORE!

This week, Thursday, February 10th, 2022, Our CAO, Ernesto Barrientos will be covering

How to Successfully Manage a Remote Staff: Using Virtual Assistants (VAs).

If you cannot attend the workshop in person, do not worry because we stream the events LIVE on Facebook and Youtube.

You can register for the event by following this link: agmagency.com/events

And make sure you check out my Youtube channel because we post Marketing Content EVERY DAY!

Link to youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3sVRNoMJP7SH7ch2qvRYrg?sub_confirmation=1