Alright, lets face it. Facebook is no longer in a competition with other platforms for attention.

They WON.

No other media organization in the history of this planet has ever controlled the masses like Facebook does.

No TV channel, radio station, magazine, newspaper or website for that matter, was ever be able to approximate what Facebook has done in the last 10 years. We currently have close to 80% of the adult online population — of the WORLD — actively using it. Very impressive, right? I agree.

So what does that mean for us marketers and business owners? It means we have an unlimited wealth of prospects to do business with. When someone tells me “Manuel, I’m sorry, but my customers are NOT on Facebook,” I know I’m staring at someone who’s going to lose. That’s just a plain fact.

Especially when I’m looking at the DATA SCIENCE behind what’s happening in Facebook advertising. Facebook is being used by the young, the middle aged and the elderly. Facebook is being used by the lower, middle and upper class. By the professionals, entrepreneurs and the employees. It’s being actively used by ALL OF THEM. Even if you are a business owner marketing to other business owners (B to B), if you understand that your customers are there, you WILL be on your way to creating a thriving business.

Facebook marketing today is the GREATEST advertising opportunity in existence, second to none. Once you understand this, the next question for you becomes… How do I start?




For any business,  it all starts on the GRANDIOSE Facebook Business Manager.

Facebook’s Business Manager is a free tool, developed by Facebook, to allow businesses and agencies to securely manage their company’s Pages, and any ad accounts they work on, all in one place. And without sharing login information or being connected to their co-workers on Facebook.

A software with this power wasn’t available to the great majority of us before. If there was something like this, something that allowed you to reach billions of people, target them correctly, and had self-service creative ads — you would not have been able to afford it.

It is a BILLION dollar software that Facebook has built EXCLUSIVELY with one purpose: To Help YOU grow your business. Any Business! Any Brand! Any Niche!

For those of you who are skeptical, and can’t quite understand WHY Facebook would build such a powerful tool and give us access to it for FREE, let me explain…

No, they are not a charity. Yes, they are in it because they want to make profit. This is their business after all. But if you invest in Facebook ads and you GROW your business, guess what happens?

You give them MORE money. You spread the word just like I’m spreading it here with you.

It’s very simple logic. You grow, they grow. A win-win scenario. You don’t grow, they don’t grow.

Pretty cool, right? It almost makes you feel like a Facebook partner, and in a way, you ARE. They are highly invested in providing you with tools to increase your likelihood of success.




Here’s a great explanation of the Facebook Business Manager directly from Facebook:

All your Pages, Apps and Ad Accounts get connected in one central location: The Facebook Business Manager.

Business Manager integrates all your Facebook advertising campaign management efforts into one tool. It’s designed to simplify your marketing efforts.

If you’re advertising for yourself — say, you’re on the in-house marketing team for a national brand — Business Manager shows you:

  1. The Pages, ad accounts and apps linked to your brand
  2. The people on your team who can access these assets to do their job
  3. External partners, like agencies or Preferred Marketing Developers (PMDs), with access to your Pages, ad accounts, and apps

If you’re advertising for someone else — for instance, you work at an agency or PMD — Business Manager shows all the Pages, ad accounts and apps that your clients have allowed you to access, as well as the people on your teams who have access to them.

Through Business Manager, you can control all aspects of your business on Facebook. You can add or delete ad accounts linked to your company. And you can grant/revoke permission to employees and external partners for your ad accounts, apps, and Pages.

Business Manager is built to help advertisers work better and faster. With one click, admins can add new people to ad accounts and Pages, greatly reducing the time it takes to set up and manage marketing efforts. For employees and external partners, Business Manager makes it easy to find the things they’re working on.

Business Manager also makes it easier for people to keep their personal and business experiences on Facebook separate. People can use their Facebook login to access all the ad accounts and Pages they work on, without having to be friends with other people from work to gain access.

Do you see its POWER? Do you know that the Facebook Business Manager is pretty much a BRAND NEW TOOL?

It was launched in 2014! Say what? Wow! I’m telling you. This monster is barely beginning to form. The biggest social media organization on the planet, in combination with the greatest advertising product ever invented… Sounds to me like WORLD DOMINATION, what do you think? Do you agree? Am I the only one who thinks this opportunity is simply INSANE? And that our grandkids will be complaining that they weren’t lucky enough to be born in an era in which such a massive attention shift occurred?

The Business Manager is your HUB. It’s your CENTER for ALL activity. That is not a misnomer. It allows you to really MANAGE your business and turn on and off potential customer “faucets” at will.

Learn how to use it. Master it. Get familiar with it. Set it up correctly and, I assure you, you will be able to reap the benefits in the future.

I’ve developed a FREE Mini-Course on the Facebook Business Manager. You can do it directly in Facebook Messenger right here

And if you haven’t done the first Mini-Course, Building Your Business with Facebook Ads, you can go here now

What are you waiting for? As the great Picasso said: “Action is the foundational key to ALL success.”

Go setup your Facebook Business Manager today and get started on a path to greater accomplishments than were ever achievable before.

Let me know what you think in the comments!