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If you’re looking for help, request a business evaluation here: agmagency.com/contact
In this Facebook Live Q & A, I went deep into Facebook advertising, the social media opportunity, e-commerce and Amazon, and a ton more. It was fire.
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Q & A Friday – A Few Very Valuable Rants in This One
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Podcast Transcription
Hey, everybody! Happy Saturday. I hope that you’re having a fantastic weekend so far.
I have a commitment to get something out to you guys every single week. I know I have a lot of listeners here and I do not take you for granted. I really, really do appreciate you taking time to listen to this podcast and being a part of the Facebook Ninja community.
A lot of opportunities and a lot of things are happening. One of the things that I am talking about the most these days… You know, I do call myself the Facebook Ninja.
You are listening to the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. But, I’m a marketer first and foremost. I wouldn’t be the Facebook Ninja if I wasn’t a marketer. That’s the reason why I got so into Facebook because I saw the opportunity.
I am not affiliated with Facebook. I don’t have stock in Facebook. I don’t benefit from the company. Expanding or collapsing at all doesn’t make a difference in my life.
I just saw an opportunity and I jumped all over it and I decided to double down on what the platform was presented.
I’ve been right all along when people were complaining about algorithm changes, about the world is going to end because Facebook is changing things and how Facebook is demised and all those things. I was jumping all over it over and over again.
I’ve been right more often on this platform. They have kept on figuring out opportunities. It’s not late in the game. We are getting towards the end of the decade and I think the future is very bright.
When I say very bright, I am trying to give you motivational ra-ra,, come on, get pumped and get to work.
I’m telling you very practically. I think 2020 and beyond is going to be a year in which all of these platforms will become more centric around businesses taking advantage of them.
There’s going to be a lot more businesses coming into them. But, along the way, the systems are going to get improved. I can tell you, the technology is going to keep on improving and is going to continue presenting opportunities to us along the way.
An example will be: I just saw a brand the other day. This is a cosmetic brand and check it out, they are leveraging augmented reality.
What are they doing? WOW! I was so blown away, guys. Incredible.
They’re actually letting an audience tap on lipstick. This is in connection with YouTube technology, of course, YouTube technology. That lipstick is going to be placed on the audience’s lip.
They can test out an actual lipstick. It’s going to just look like they have it on.
It’s to give you an idea of how crazy things are going to get. They’re going to get really crazy and e-commerce is going to continue evolving and Facebook is going to continue becoming an e-commerce platform themselves.
Dynamic Product Ads
Just so you guys know, if you haven’t done this yet, I will probably do a podcast very soon on this subject alone. I have talked about this before. There’s something called Dynamic Product Ads.
My most successful throughout years campaign on social media has been Dynamic Product Ads.
What are those ads? What am I talking about?
Well, I’m talking about people that visit your website and then they decide not to buy which is, by the way, most of them.
Some of them may open on Facebook or Instagram and they see your ad. You don’t have to press a button. You don’t have to do anything.
These are dynamic product ads – they follow people around based on their activity on your websites whether they have purchased in the last 30 days and haven’t purchased again. Or, whether they haven’t purchased in 365 days, or if they have purchased one product and not the other one.
You can build conversations with people based on that and that is all being done dynamically. This is something that on Facebook when you are advertising, I would definitely look into learning a lot on this subject. You can probably Google it as you know more of the things out there are in Google.
Dynamic product ads, you might be able to find an article from me or somebody else on this subject.
But, if you are on Facebook Business Manager, there is an objective called ‘Catalogue Sales’ and this is how you set this all up in combination with your website. There’s going to have a pixel code in it and it is going to have a catalog set up. Now, you can build these conversations.
The reason why I’m telling that right now is because the world is going to go more in that direction. Less people are going to be buying in retail. That’s obvious, right? It’s going to continue happening and more people are going to be buying online.
How do you leverage that yourself as a business owner, as an e-commerce brand, as an Amazon brand?
That opportunity is going to continue presenting itself for us over the next couple of years.
Yes, it’s going to get more crowded but it’s still very, very new. There’s a lot of territories that are available for you to be able to capture. It’s like going back to the wild, wild, west days – there were people that were claiming lands and planting their flags.
Well today, we have a very similar phenomenon – there are people, e-commerce brands, supplement brands, retail stores that are online, they’re planting their online flags, they’re capturing their digital land. It’s not different from what we went through already when we were trying to conquer land throughout ages.
We have a lot of families today that have a lot of money and wealth from that era.
If you think about it, you look at some of the people that I helped like Dr. Berg, like my dad, Frank Suarez.
These guys have captured lands in a big way.
When Dr. Berg publishes a video on YouTube or Facebook. These videos get 20, 40, 50, 80, 100,000 views in his first 24 hours the same thing with my dad.
That is a lot of land capture!
I’m talking about not having to pay a single penny to pay for it organically. Good luck trying to accomplish that and compete against these guys right now.
Now, in 2019 and beyond, the opportunity is going to become
paid advertising and that’s what you need to master
Because what Dr. Berg has built, what my dad has built, and I helped them build throughout the last 2 years is not that easy anymore.
Yes, it takes a lot of years and you’ve got to keep that in mind.
Mastering ‘Paid Advertising’
What you need to master right now is Paid Advertising and that’s what you need to focus on so you can actually win this social media online world.
It’s still possible, it’s still real, it’s still happening. Every day, trust me, my agency is growing every single month.
Last month in October, we broke records. This month in November, we’re going to break the record once again.
People are not getting away from it.
People are jumping all over the opportunity.
The ones that win are the ones that have acquired the most knowledge on how to use these platforms.
If you have not won yet, it’s because YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED ENOUGH.
An intro to today’s podcast
Today’s podcast, it’s going to be a Q&A that I did on Facebook yesterday on a Facebook Live. I got a lot of great questions and I went very deep in some very important areas. For example, the part about knowledge and how to get that knowledge.
Also, I talked about e-commerce. I talked about ManyChat and how to use Messenger marketing, different funnels, and strategies. I answered questions from my audience on all kinds of different subjects.
I think that’s going to be something that’s going to help you and provide a lot of value to you. It’s like I’m saying right now I have a commitment to helping you as a podcast listener get valuable content every single week things that I know you can implement and get practical with right away.
I’m going to continue doing so because that’s what makes the world round – KNOWLEDGE.
Information is going to make people better. It’s what keeps them going and expanding. If you are not winning life, you simply have to look at what areas you need to get more knowledge in and do that and then implement some of that knowledge.
There’s a lot of opportunity. 2020 is going to be a great one. Stay connected, keep on listening to the podcast, follow me on social media. I have some great content coming out on my YouTube channel, on my Facebook Page, on LinkedIn. Again, omnipresence, right? Being everywhere as much as possible, be in every single place where you have the ability to press a few buttons and put yourself out there.
Why not? Can you tell me? Why are you not everywhere when you don’t have to pay for it? That’s the point.
In combination with being able to pay for advertising, that is your winning combination right there – get knowledge, be omnipresent, pay for advertising on the most powerful platforms like Facebook and Instagram that presented the biggest opportunity for you to capture audiences, go, conquer the world, get one step closer towards your goals every single day, and keep on battling the game of life.
Without further ado, I’m going to hand you over now to today’s Q&A. I hope that you like it. It’s going to be about 45 minutes, I believe. You’re probably going to get a lot of ideas from it. Hope you like it, hope you enjoy it. Have a great weekend.
If you’re listening to this during the week, have a great week and I will talk soon.
Q & A Session
Okay, I got the questions. Great! I got the questions. I got Essie Cu which he is saying,
“Hey, Manuel. I just started my Facebook Page. I’m pretty new to Facebook Ads and social media. What advice do you have on adding content?”
Essie, pretty new to Facebook Ads and social media, that puts you basically with the rest of the world. Most people out there are pretty new to the social media world. Actually, there is a survey done. Just so you guys know, you’re not late in the game. Only about 5% of businesses worldwide, there are several hundred million businesses. There are about 300 million registered companies in the world. Only about 5% of them have invested in social media marketing.
It tells you how new this old world is even though social media has become the main way that we human beings communicate on this planet.
Only 5% of businesses, 5 of every 100 have invested energy in social media marketing. So, it’s time to learn.
You’ve got to learn about it because if you learn about it, you are in the top 1%, right? Because, even from those 5%, I can tell you that most of them are doing it correctly. They’re not doing advertising on social media correctly and they’re failing at it. Because of that, they don’t try it anymore.
On social media, I can tell you one thing: If your product is good, if your business is good, if your service is a good one, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot win in the social media game.
The only reason would be you didn’t persist enough and you didn’t try to learn enough so you can win in the game.
If you keep on trying, you will be able to find a solution to make your business get attention so you can grow and scale because it does work. It has attention.
When you have attention, you can win the game.
If you don’t have attention, you don’t win.
It’s as simple as that.
How do you start?
The first thing that I would tell you is, if you haven’t done any training, you’ve got to get some BASIC TRAINING. This is for Essie.
Maybe one of my staff here can actually type in the link. But, if you go to manuelsuarez.com/mini-courses, I have a series of free introductory training where you can get some basic training on how to set up your Business Manager, how to set up your account, how to run an ad.
Remember, this is the one thing that I want you to keep in mind, Essie – Facebook already is, but Instagram is becoming a pay to play platform. What does that mean?
If you want to capture attention, if you want to grow your brand in it, if you want to get followers, if you want to get people to engage, you’re going to have to PAY SOME MONEY.
ADVERTISING is the key to winning in social media – not organic.
There’s no such idea of going viral anymore.
I want to have one video. I’m going to go and hire viralhackers.com. I don’t even know if that actually exists. It might exist – that website.
But let’s say for example that you have this idea that all you’ve got to do is create a viral video and now you’re going to get rich and retire in Dubai and live with millions of dollars. That idea is a false idea that is created by lazy people that are themselves losers.
You need to put some ninja behind it and advertising is the way to go.
The way that you win in social media is by:
Doing content that provides value and generating followers
that you can sell things to.
The Basic Formula
That is the BASIC FORMULA FOR SUCCESS. Basic formula is:
- Content that people like
- Putting that content out there
- Paying for advertising to get that content seen by people
- Retargeting these people to get them to buy your products and services
That’s basically the long story short of this whole process.
That’s how Dr. Berg wins. That’s how Grant Cardone wins. That’s how my dad, Frank Suarez, that’s how he wins.
That’s how I win – I put a lot of content out there and then I retarget people to come to my webinars, to come to my training, to come to my seminars, to come to anything that I do including my agency services which by the way we do have a lot of great agency services.
This guy right here, Lorand, can tell you all about it.
Lorand, how do they contact you?
Lorand: They can add a call in where they can contact us with the website. We have different forms. There are many ways. If you want to reach out to us, we are here for you.
Manuel: All right. If they want to contact you let’s say, email viewer.
Lorand: First of all you can call us at 727-421-2653.
Manuel: Or, they can send you an email, right?
Lorand: That’s right. That’s lorand@agmagency.com.
Manuel: And you get on the phone and you will give them a consultation, then work with you and find out how we can help you, if AGM is a good fit for you if you are a good fit for us, etc. Right?
I’ve got a lot of power here. We got over 50 staff ready to take on any of you guys that are interested in riding this holiday wave in 2019 and 2020 making your best year ever.
If you want to get that data, you can go to this guy right here and he will give you all that data. You can send him an email.
You can also go to our website, agmagency.com and check out more details about what we do.
From there, you can just fill up the contact information and either him or one of the rockstars, hopefully, this guy right here will contact you. He will give you good data,a walk-through about how we can help you and recommendation for your business.
That’s a slight interruption right there of what we’re talking about. If you guys want to get basic training on Facebook advertising, you can do the mini-courses.
If you’re ready to talk to somebody about my agency of all these guys over 50 of them that are helping businesses grow, you can also go to agmagency.com/contactus and it’s going to go to one of these guys like Lorand and they will contact you and give you more data on how we can help you.
To answer your question also on that, I’ll get to all the questions here, Essie says that she‘s on module 6 on my training. That’s really good, Essie.
So, you’re already on module 6 on my training. She’s asking, “Do you have any advice on new content?”
Essie, what I can tell you is that on module 12 of the course, it’s all about it – adding content, the content strategy, etc.
You can go and check that out so you can actually get a strategy for that.
But, long story for you guys short that are watching here and you want to get some value on that, there’s the big word that I’m focused on right now. My big obsession is called omnipresence.
Throughout ages in the subject of religion, we’ve known no matter what religion it is, if you believe in God, you believe that God is everywhere, right?
The social media game is won with omnipresence.
I’m not saying that we become gods. I’m saying that we try to act like gods in the social media world.
Meaning that WE GO EVERYWHERE!
We go to Facebook, we go to Instagram, Instagram TV, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and hey, even TikTok!
You have to be everywhere!
That’s the reality. The more places that you are, the more opportunities you have at having somebody contact you and be interested in what you have to offer.
That’s the one thing that I want you guys to keep in mind.
It’s a content and quantity game.
The more you do, the faster you get there.
Another thing most people take for granted all the time, it happens all the time, is that they forget that when you put a video out there, for example, this video right here, just think about this for a second.
This video right here that you are watching me right now, a lot of you guys are here live, you guys don’t realize that this video is going to be here forever.
I don’t think Facebook is going anywhere. Do you guys think that Facebook is going anywhere? No. I’m probably going to grab a piece of this audio right here and I’m plugging it in as a podcast.
I’m also probably going to use this video and upload it as a YouTube video on a YouTube episode.
You know, I can do so many things with it and that’s the thing about omnipresence. You’ve got to be in as many places as possible as much as possible and that’s how you win the game.
Hey, when did our ancestors have a chance to be able to press a few buttons and communicate to the world for free? That was not possible. That is a new opportunity in this world. It’s a new opportunity in this era.
So, you want to take advantage of that opportunity because it’s quite unique and we take it for granted.
What do you do with content?
I have a tool and there are many of them. I’m not associated, I’m not affiliated, I don’t own any of them. But, there are tools, for example, Agorapulse. There’s another one called Hootsuite.
These platforms, you can grab all these content and get it all scheduled so you can put it out there as much as possible.
I’m always trying to do CONTENT. This is like information to the world. This is like getting myself out there making people see me.
I want people to see me because when they see me, they might know me enough to eventually trust me enough to buy something from me.
If I have an agency service and if I have a course to sell to you but you have never seen me before, chances are you are not going to believe it. You will think that I am a scammer out there trying to get your money.
But, if you have seen me before on a Facebook Live, on an Instagram post, on a story, on LinkedIn, on an email, on a Messenger broadcast or anywhere, then, you tend to believe me a little bit more. That is the magic of content.
Content is basically your foundation for a successful social media e-commerce online world.
how bad do you want it?
You do images, you do videos, you do articles, you do podcasts, you do all of it. How much should you do? Well, how bad do you want it? How bad do you want to get there?
If you really want to get there really bad and you have a really big goal, make sure that your action goes in line with what you’re trying to accomplish. Because if it doesn’t go in line, then, what are we doing, right? That’s how we get that done.
Hopefully, James is still here. He asked his question a while ago,
“Hey, Manuel. How do you sync the actions of Facebook IM chatbot with your CRM automation? So, for instance, they buy the $7 thing but not the 37 upsell, but no to send out the automation and will communicate with your CRM updating those records so your email marketing can also appropriate regathering 37 offer as the chat is presenting.”
James, that’s a little bit of a tongue twister question but if I understood your question correctly, what you’re trying to do is build an ecosystem that everything knows what everything else knows.
Every single piece is informed as of the actions of that other piece.
So, if you have Infusionsoft, if you have Messenger, if you have social media, if you have a Shopify channel or whatever it is that all of it is connected. That’s what you want to do.
I recently launched a system for Amazon brands called The Multi-Channel Catapult Ranking System.
By the way, I have a launch coming up. If you want to register, you can go to thecatapultsecret.com and check it out.
If you go to that link, you’ll be able to register to the webinar coming up next Wednesday in which I’m going to be talking about the secret that I have uncovered that has helped me boom Amazon brands that I manage.
We’re doing over $2 million a month right now on Amazon. There’s a lot of data there.
So, I’ve figured out a strategy to be able to rank products aggressively on Amazon but it’s all about an ecosystem. We have all these pieces connected.
James, there is a tool called Zappier that I’ve used for years now. This tool is going to help you get all these things connected so they know.
On Messenger, there’s an automation that you can set up and it’s actually quite a ninja. So, you know if somebody bought the 37 or if somebody bought the 7 and you all know those combinations.
All of these platforms allow you to get this done right now and you can easily get them all integrated so they’re all in communication.
Even on email, you can have data there that is triggered by platforms like Clavio, Infusionsoft, or Active Campaign, that base on their engagement on Messenger, Zappier has sent that data to Infusionsoft, Clavio, or whatever. They don’t get the wrong messages.
It’s a lot to take in but just so you know,
it’s all possible now.
Anything that you thought about, it’s possible. All you’ve got to do is FIGURE IT OUT and that’s my company motto.
Years ago, I can tell you that I was trying to get things done and one of my guys who’s not here anymore, he used to sit over there. He left for dates, Friday, Friday afternoon, Friday night actually now. He used to tell me, “No, it cannot be done, it’s not possible.”
I had to figure things out myself because I knew it could be done. So I told him, “You know what? Step out of the way. Let me just get it done. I will just figure it out myself.” And then show him, “Look what I did.”
I helped him get better and stronger along the way because I made him realize that there’s no such thing as it cannot be done right now.
All you’ve got to do is FIGURE THINGS OUT.
So search for it, try to find the answer. If you can do some more in my training, it may help you along the way get more certainty on how to get all that stuff done.
I got Erick Zimmerman and Erick is asking,
“Does ManyChat have a growth tool that allows me to have a video as part of a pop-up notice? Basic oversliding from the slide.”
Absolutely, Erick. Yes, it does.
If you go to ManyChat, there’s a section called Growth Tools and one of them is Website Overlays. That’s what it’s called – Website Overlays.
You can have a growth tool in ManyChat and you can use it to promote anything you want that is basically going to pop-up. If somebody has an exit-intent, BOOM! It pops-up.
If somebody is scrolling through the page, you can set it up however you want. If they’re scrolling through a page and they have scrolled 30%, you can trigger a bar that comes in or a little slide bar.
You can trigger a lot of different things and you can invite them to do a mini-course on your Messenger channel, you can invite them to download resources, you can get them into an offer, a contest, you can get them into some kind of flash sale deal. Or, Hey, this is an exit intent for desktops. “Before you go, I have a special offer for you. Don’t leave yet.”
That can all be done inside ManyChat very easily, Erick. I do cover that on my program. But, if you want to figure it out yourself, you absolutely can. It’s just a matter of trying it out a little bit.
Go to manychat.com, go to your page, go to Growth Tools, and go to Website Overlays, and you’re going to have the page takeover, you’re going to have a slide-in growth tool, you’re going to have the bar that can be above the website.
There are a few options right there that you might be excited about. You can check that out.
I love this top fan badge. I got Janice who’s one of my top fans. That’s great!
Hey, Janice. I hope that you’re doing great.
“Hello from Greece!” I love it.
“I have a small confusion between the objectives. What’s the exact difference of traffic objective optimized for landing page view and conversion objective optimized for landing page views.”
Traffic objective optimized for landing page views and conversion objective optimized for landing page views… There’s a big major difference on this. Let me tell you what that is.
You’re saying traffic objective, conversions objective.
It’s not to sell stuff. It’s not to convert people.
The purpose of traffic is to get TRAFFIC whether it converts or not, nobody cares.
What you’re saying to Facebook is, “Hey, I want people to visit my website. I don’t care if they buy from me or not. That’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for traffic.”
Facebook works on finding you people to likely stop what they are doing and go visit your website whether those people are interested in what you have to offer or not.
Whether they purchase things from you or not, they are going to be optimized for visiting your website, landing on the page, and viewing the page.
Now, if you do conversions objective, conversions optimized for landing page views, they are optimized for people that are landing on the page. But not only that, they are looking for buyers.
Facebook is going to help you find purchasers.
How do they know this? Well, they do have a lot more data than you could ever think of. They know who likes to buy things online and who doesn’t. They know a lot of stuff because all these pixel codes are all over the place and Facebook has this data.
If you never buy stuff online, if you as a user, Janice, you never buy stuff online, Facebook is not going to put you a conversion ad in front of you, they’re not.
They might put traffic in front of you, they might put a message objective, but not a conversion. Because they know that you are a window shopper – you don’t buy stuff. Because of that, they don’t even show their ad to you. Does that make sense?
Think about the intelligence of this robot, of this system, of this algorithm. Based on the information that you’ve given, it makes a decision. It’s based on a lot of different factors along the way.
If you throughout your history have not bought stuff online, Facebook said, “I’m trying to get results to Janice. What I’m going to do is I’m going to exclude this guy because this guy is going to be a waste of money.”
Do you know what I mean? So, when you are selecting an objective, select an objective that you know will help Facebook get you the results that you’re looking for.
James, I think I answered your questions. I appreciate you asking that question again.
Pepe says, Pepe del Valle, a friend, (I don’t know exactly, where is he from), “I’m starting my Amazon FBA business. My question is:
“How do I choose good products and how do I scale them?”
Wow! Pepe, that is a good, big, deep question. You’re starting your Amazon FBA business. If you guys are here and you don’t know what FBA means, it means Fulfillment by Amazon. Surprise, surprise. Amazon is not the only one selling products. We, the regular Joe’s in the world sell our products. I sell two million of those a month. I sell a lot of products on Amazon.
A lot of people are taking advantage of the opportunity of selling on Amazon.
Pepe is starting his Amazon FBA business which by the way Pepe, let me tell you something really, really hot and obvious.
The Amazon US market is crowded. There’s a lot of opportunities still but it’s not as much as it used to be 8 years ago, or 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago, or even 2 years ago. That’s the reality – it’s crowded. I want you to keep that in mind.
I’m not trying to be a Debby Downer here but what I’m trying to tell you is that it’s harder today to win in the Amazon game than it was before.
The ones that win are the ones that know how to rank products, period.
If you know how to rank a product, you win. If you do not know how to rank a product, you lose. That’s just the way it is. No matter how good your products are, the Amazon game is all about ranking.
Do you get the idea? That’s when it comes to the US.
Now, I’m not talking about the US. Other markets, Amazon is expanding very aggressively and it is an opportunity for all of us in this video right now and anybody else watching the replay.
You can do Amazon Mexico growing by leaps and bounds already doing next day delivery across the entire Mexico city which is one of the biggest states or cities in the world. There’s a lot of people in it – tens of millions of people in that city.
More and more people are buying on Amazon.
You got the Arabic states, the Emirates what they call. They’re going aggressively after the market.
These guys, you know, if you’ve been around for a while, these guys are powerful to buy.
And, all these countries out there, they have a lot of money so they’re going to grow that market and that is going to be up and coming Amazon explosive market. India, you can go to Europe – all these markets are just getting started.
So, if you have an Amazon business or you are about to start an Amazon business, make sure that you are keeping that into account.
There’s a lot of marketplaces out there that are going to present to you an opportunity that in 2010, a lot of Amazon sellers were able to exploit.
That same opportunity from 9 years ago is happening in all these parts of the world.
Let me tell you something crazy that sometimes we don’t realize.
Living in the US, you forget that it’s like having a part of one of the future, we have a look into their future.
What am I saying?
Anything that happens in the US, guess what,
it happens everywhere else.
Where did Netflix start? The US. Where is Netflix now? Everywhere.
Where did Google start? The US. Where is it now? Everywhere.
Everything starts here and then it goes all over the place.
Look at Amazon, the US, it was a book-selling company that became e-commerce. It didn’t do anything internationally until it was a powerhouse of an e-commerce platform.
The same thing has happened all over the place on all the different platforms all over the place. Facebook advertising was a thing in the US only. Now, it’s an international thing.
So, you’ve got to look at that and realize that
we have a look into the future, we understand the future.
Most people out there, the ones that are not business owners, they don’t think like that.
We are the ones that are trying to leverage opportunities and taking advantage of the things that are being presented to us. Well, guess what, the platforms that are being launched across the world are just getting started. There are no flags planted in them.
Territories have not been dominated yet, they’re fresh. So, why not figure out as part of your strategy, “Hey, wait for a second, based on historical data, what happened in Amazon USA it’s inevitable. It will happen everywhere else.” Why not figure that out? Why not position yourself there? Why not ride the wave of the e-commerce evolution?
Trust me, this is not a US phenomenon, this is an international phenomenon. In a matter of 10 years or less, e-commerce sales are going to top retail. They’re already taking a big chunk of it as you already know.
So, we have a look at their future. Why not look into these markets?
Pepe was asking, “How do I choose good products and how do I scale them?” Well, it’s not about using good products only, Pepe.
It’s about figuring out what opportunities you have available
because good products are struggling on Amazon.
You’ve got to know good products, you find one and then you are able to do a ranking strategy and get a position. That is what I have going on Wednesday.
I have a webinar called ‘The Catapult Secret’. If you go and check that out, thecatapultsecret.com and register. It’s going to be a free webinar and I’m going to be showing you my ranking strategies for Amazon brands today.
A quick tip that I can give you when it comes to finding good products, Pepe.
“You can do a lot of manual work and go to Amazon. Look at hot products out there and look at how many hot reviews they have. Just see if you find a passion around there.”
If you have a product that has thousands of reviews, that’s a hot product right there – it has a lot of demand. If you have a product that when you searched for it doesn’t have a lot of competition, the chances are: it’s going to be a little bit harder to get the attention on it. That’s what I would do.
Joanne says, “Hey, Manuel. I miss you guys.”
Joanne, I miss you, too. Especially because we don’t have a singer anymore. We have a lot of musicians but no singer anymore. So, we totally miss you.
Pepe: “Do I have a course for that?” Yes, Pepe. You need to sign up for my webinar coming up on Wednesday, thecatapultsecret.com. You will be able to sign up, it’s for free.
Louise says,
“Manuel, how are you? What strategy do you suggest for me to do in weight loss products?”
Obviously, this has been my area. Weight loss, I’ve been very deep into it – NaturalSlim, we share the building here and Dr. Berg is a weight loss system and everything. Weight loss is very competitive.
What I can tell you is you have to have a content strategy!
You have to have a content strategy!
You cannot win in the weight loss game unless you have a content strategy.
In the Amazon US world, there is so much competition that I can tell you right now it is going to be very difficult to penetrate unless you have a content strategy. Meaning that you are a personal brand, you’re putting yourself in front of the camera, you’re talking to the world like my dad, Frank Suarez – YouTube videos, Facebook Pages, Instagram stories all the time and you have a face – you can grow an Amazon brand in the US.
But, I would like to stop you from going into the market of supplements unless you have a personal brand strategy.
The other thing that I want to tell you is, again, going back to the earlier message that I gave you a few minutes ago, for all of you guys,
If you want to grow a weight loss supplement brand, why not start somewhere else?
Why not start in one of the growing markets in Mexico, in Europe, in Canada, in the Arab Nation, in all these places where you don’t have the same competition?
That’s what I would do – start somewhere else, get that going there and I believe that you will benefit from that even if you don’t have a personal brand. That’s my route.
Jorge says, “Thoughts on trolls and haters commenting on ads.”
Block them and get rid of them.
Keep going, all right? Just block it and get rid of them.
On a Facebook Page, you can go to settings. If you’re on a desktop, you go to facebook.com then you do a drop-down menu on the top-right, you select your Facebook Page, and then you go to Settings where there’s going to be a little column. It’s going to have a little column on the left-hand side. And then, you’re going to go to moderation and there’s a profanity filter that you can plug in there, paste it, and that’s going to be a list of keywords that you can stop people from commenting and attacking you.
But, other than that, when you’re getting haters, when you’re getting people commenting which I’m sure I have somebody here. Don’t tell me that I don’t have a hater here.
I welcome them. It’s cool. It gives me energy.
Also, another thing that I would tell you is:
If you’re not getting people hating you, probably nobody’s paying attention.
It’s inevitable. You have to welcome it. You can’t stop it.
There’s a certain amount of people out there, a percentage of them that are miserable themselves, that are unhappy. I did a post about this the other day.
This is the one thing stopping a lot of people like the worry about what other people think about them. It’s a big barrier to people’s success. So, you’ve got to stop thinking about that and just go.
I have had people tell me all kinds of things – my beard is too long, it’s ridiculous, I’m wearing my little brother’s blazer, I’m just trying to steal people’s money. I have been told so many things.
I’m still a baby. I’m just getting started in the social media world.
If I would have let that hit me, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today.
Guys, look at me. I was bankrupt 9 years ago. I literally had no money, I had no survival.
Today, I run an agency with over 50 staff, I have an international NaturalSlim business in 9 countries now that is booming, my United States business right now is breaking records every single month. We are booming and growing.
My dad with my help became an international social media superstar recognized all over the place, we generate over 30 million views across social media. My strategies on social media have done 2 billion views and millions of subscribers and followers across social media – Facebook, YouTube, Messenger, email – all over the place.
Am I going to care about that?
Who cares? As long as you’re expanding and you’re doing better! Seriously guys, who cares?
Keep on going. Don’t let it stop you!
All of these that I’ve done, you see that thing right there hanging on the wall? That is a Clickfunnels Two Comma Club Award. It means that it generated one single funnel over $1 million. That was one thing that I did in less than a year. It’s about to break $2 million, that particular funnel right there.
If I would have listened to the haters, to the ones that didn’t know what I did, the ones that felt an obligation or need to attack me even though they didn’t know me, if I would have listened to them, I wouldn’t be here guys. That’s the thing that you’ve got to realize.
You have a responsibility to do better for yourself, your family, people that you know
Everybody around you. It’s a responsibility that you carry, that we all carry.
If it weren’t for my energy, my kids won’t have the quality of life that they have, my wife wouldn’t have the quality of life that she has. That for me is really important and that drives everything.
The trollers, the haters, guys move out of the way. Keep on going. You’re trying to help people.
Now, if you’re a criminal and you’re selling something illegal, if you’re doing drugs and promoting things that are wrong, then, you deserve trollers and haters. You deserve them! But other than that, you don’t. That’s my wife right there. She’s snooping in.
Keep on going guys. Just keep on going, keep on flourishing and prospering and that’s what it’s all about.
Sebastian says, “I admire you, man. You’re the best at the ManyChat conference.”
BOOM! I appreciate that so much, Sebastian. It means a lot to me. It really does.
One thing that I’m really into is keeping my feet planted on the ground and not thinking like I’m better than anybody else. I don’t think that. I think that I’m very passionate and I’m more energetic than almost anybody. But, I don’t consider myself to be better than people and I keep my feet planted.
I was looking at my staff today and I saw the group. Man, I don’t take these guys for granted. They are here servicing me, working their butts off.
People like this guy right here, here’s working until the long hours of the day. He works at night times on Saturdays and Sundays. He’s so dedicated to my purpose and I don’t take that for granted.
I seriously believe that I’m just a regular guy that got lucky, that put up energy behind, that I was able to bring people like this guy, powerhouses, to flow energy towards me, towards our goals and were helping so much. That’s what it’s all about.
Here’s the plug: You want to contact this guy, agmagency.com/contact. You can look at a little form right there, submit your information and he will probably be reaching out and find out how we can help you.
Just keep on going, be honest, be humble, work hard, be grateful, appreciate people, appreciate people’s actions and along the way you’ll see yourself growing and expanding every single step of the way more and more.
I just feel lucky that right now in my organization, I’m on the top of it and sometimes I look at it and I’m like, “Wait for a second. I’m the leader of this group? Wow!”
I don’t take that for granted. It’s been a lot of hard work but you get here by doing one step at a time no matter where you’re at.
Six years ago or so, I was on your side consuming information trying to make myself better.
I still consume a lot of information like I was telling you at the beginning of the Facebook live, I’m always learning from people and looking up to people and looking up to people that are higher up than me that make a lot more money, that create way bigger effects.
So, I’m always going towards making myself better and consuming and absorbing information from others. That’s the key! Keep on going up and you will get there.
Jason says, “Are you true?”.
Natalio says, “I’m in love with studying the basic training you have. They’re so great.”
I have a nutrition club in Panama – I have always done fliers to get people in. Now, I’m trying to learn how to get people in from Facebook and Instagram.
Nathaniel, “I’ve seen this thing. We’ve done it over and over again. That’s how special it is to you. On Instagram, I’ve got 1500 followers. I upload weekly photos and videos of what we do at the club. But if I want to do ads, what’s the best tip to do?”
The best tip is to hire people like us to get it done.
That’s the number one thing. If you’re not at the point of affording an agency which we take on small businesses. We’re not expensive. Are we expensive, Lorand?
Lorand: No.
Manuel: It depends on the viewpoint. I think I’m cheap. Again, you can contact this guy at agmagency.com/contact and that’s the easiest way. But, if you want to get this done yourself, I walked on that, too. I love you guys who are learning and figuring things out.
The first thing you would do is to get some basic training. I’m talking to Nathaniel. Get some basic training, go to manuelsuarez.com/mini-courses. Get some basic training which I put out there for free for you guys.
You need to learn about doing lead generation ads for your business.
These are the most powerful things I’ve ever done on Facebook and a lot of the businesses that I run.
I’ll show you about it. Check it out!
These guys right here, it’s only going to be a few minutes. I’m in NaturalSlim’s office.
We have a big building here full of consultants like this. This is late in the Friday game. These guys are all day long answering questions and helping people that are calling because we generate leads. They’re also calling them because we’re also generating leads for them to contact these guys.
You want to get that done. You want to learn how to generate leads on Facebook.
There is an objective, Nathaniel, called Lead Generation Ads.
You don’t even need a big content strategy for this. If you have a good product and service which apparently you do, you go to business.facebook.com, connect your Facebook Pages and there, you can do an objective called Lead Generation, accept the terms, and run an ad with a video or single image and pay a few dollars a day. It doesn’t have to be much. And you can generate leads like we do for these girls right here.
They are contacting people all over the world and all over the US, over here, to help them with their bodies.
You can do that. That’s something that I would definitely focus on right now – just learn and get some basics.
I have won a lot!
The reason that I’m here talking to you guys is because I HAVE HAD SUCCESS. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.
I like to walk then talk and not talk then walk. Not be a talker without having to walk first, right?
The game of life is won with learning. You’ve got to learn. If you know you can get more business, if you know you can sell more products or services, what you have to do is you have to LEARN MORE get more business.
You’ll find that few terminals, a few people that can help you and feed you correct information on how to do social media advertising, on how to do lead generation campaigns. You have to figure something out so you can now grow your business.
If you are not able to grow your business, there’s one thing that’s stopping you from that.
One thing – you have not learned enough.
You might tell me, “Manuel, wait for a second. How about money?” That’s not the problem. The problem is enough knowledge because if you get enough knowledge, you will even be able to find out growth hacking strategies to grow your brand with all these organic platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Instagram TV, YouTube, SnapChat, TikTok, Pinterest, Podcast – it’s free.
If you have a cell phone signal, you can do a free podcast yourself. You can go to anchor.fm and create your own podcast for free.
Money cannot be an excuse, guys. If you don’t have enough money, then, you have to figure out how to do it without money – bootstrapping they call it how to figure out how you yourself along the way climb up that ladder, climb up that mountain so you can make your business grow.
A lot of people have done it. I have nothing. I learned and I got obsessed over that knowledge. I got really good and became an expert. Slowly, I started building a little brand and I then got somebody to help me invest and become a partner with me.
I built a multi-million dollar Amazon business selling bed sheets because I had enough KNOWLEDGE.
Knowledge is the key. Knowledge is the element that is going to determine whether you win in the game of life or not.
- If you’re not winning, all you’ve got to do is get more knowledge.
- If you’re still not winning, guess what, the second step is more knowledge.
- If you’re still not winning, then, get more knowledge.
When you do that consistently, eventually, opportunities show up.
There’s a great quote that I like to use a lot from the philosopher, Seneca. He says,
“Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.”
You’re going to get lucky if you have somehow focused on getting enough knowledge and at some point that preparation is going to encounter an opportunity. That can be an organic platform. That could be a new partnership. That could be an association. Some kind of opportunity is going to be presented for you to be able to grow your business. It’s inevitable.
I don’t know how long it has been. It’s like 50 minutes already.
This is a very familiar name. I think I’ve never been able to pronounce your name correctly but DJ Vadulla,
“What’s your strategy now for e-commerce with Facebook’s new 24-hour policy because I noticed a lot of marketers are still not doing broadcast sequence properly?”
DJ, just so you know, that’s still not in place. The full policy is going to change on January 15th. My strategy has been the most correct one all throughout time.
DJ is talking about Facebook Messenger.
Facebook doesn’t want you to market to people that have not engaged with you in the last 24 hours. My STRATEGY, DJ, is to build multi-channel.
ManyChat recently, two months ago, launched the ability to be able to capture text messages, phone numbers, SMS, and also emails.
Now, on one single platform, one of them, you can have all three platforms you communicate with. My strategy is: I’m going to aggressively (this is what I do) bring people from Facebook, from Instagram, from email, and then bring them into Messenger.
The first thing that I do is I extract. I find an excuse to extract the phone number and or the email. Sometimes, I do it separate times. You’ve got to know how to market that correctly.
For example, “Okay, great. I’m glad.” You introduce to him the document. “I already have your phone number but I want to confirm it with you. Just tap it if this is your phone number.” And, Messenger populates the phone number because they have that data.
That’s a little technical for those of you guys who don’t know about ManyChat. But, that can all be done with a little bit of training on how to extract phone numbers and emails from within ManyChat.
That’s what I’m doing right now. I’m actively doing that. What I’m doing is I’m doing promotional broadcast every single day and also follow-up messages every single day to people that have engaged in the last 24 hours or that are in the follow-up message category.
Again, that follow-up category is going away on January 15. But for now, we have 2 months so we can go heavy on it. And then on January 15, we will see where we’re at. But I think that my strategy is the right one which is building a content machine and getting people value and education, keeping them engaged.
Along the way, you’ll be able to send messages because they’re interested in what you have to offer. You bring them into the multi-channel. You bring them from text message back to Messenger. Now, you reactivate to a 24-hour window; from email back to Messenger and you reactivate to a 24-hour window; from Facebook back to Messenger.
One very important thing, JD. I don’t know if you’re doing this already but Dynamic ManyChat Audiences, you need to set that up. You need to be able to send audiences directly from Facebook so you can retarget them on Instagram and Facebook Page. So, interaction with Messenger.
If you guys that have heard this rant don’t know anything about what I have just said, I just want you to know that it is a very deep world that I am obsessed with which is Messenger Marketing.
If you want to find out more, I do have mini-courses on it – manuelsuarez.com/messenger.
I’ve got Jake over here in the house.
I would love to do that one day Janice – an invitation to Greece. I love it.
Fantastic. Wow! It’s been intense, guys! It’s going for almost an hour. I’m done and I’m checking out. I’m going to hang out with the family.
I’m super excited for what’s coming up next week. There’s a lot of expansion going over here – we’re adding in new clients, we’re taking in new clients. Lorand, are we taking in new clients?
Lorand: Absolutely.
Manuel: Do we have space for new clients?
Lorand: Yes.
Manuel: What type of businesses can we service here?
Lorand: Any business. If you’re looking for leads, if you’re a chiropractor and you want patients and people to walk through your doors, we can help you with that.
If you’re on e-commerce or you’re an Amazon seller and you’re looking for clients that will be turning into regular purchasers, we can help you with that.
If you have a brick and mortar business or any type of business…
Manuel: If you sell illegal stuff?
Lorand: We don’t do that.
Manuel: As long as you don’t sell illegal stuff, we can help you. Why? Because we are a marketing agency. We know how to capture attention and what is the one thing that’s stopping you from expanding your business and selling more.
Lorand: Because if people don’t know you, how can they do business with you? So, we need to make you know – omnipresence.
Manuel: Omnipresence, we’ve got to help you get more attention. So again, if you want to get more information and get a business consultation by this rockstar right here, Lorand, go to agmagency.com/contactus. Submit your information there and you’ll have a no-commitment consultation with Lorand right here based on our strategies and find out how we can help you. We’ll come up with a strategy for you.
Guys have a great weekend. I love you guys very much. I appreciate you guys very much and I appreciate you being here this Friday afternoon. Keep the questions coming, keep the feedback coming.
I want to help you get more expansion. I want to help you do better. This is what drives me every day. My oxygen is not my paychecks. My oxygen is you guys expanding. That’s what gets me the biggest high.
Apparently, it’s not ‘contactus’. Rain just said right now to me that it’s ‘contact’ – agmagency.com/contact. Don’t worry about it, we’ll have the redirect in no time. I’ll talk to you soon.
Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: manuelsuarez.com/minicourses
I’m putting out a lot of great content every single day. Be sure to follow me on your favorite platforms! Here are the links:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/theninjamarketer
Messenger Channel: www.m.me/theninjamarketer
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mrmanuelsuarez
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mrmanuelsuarez
YouTube: youtube.com/c/TheFacebookNinjaMarketer
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