Podcast Description

Many people incorrectly think they’ve tried Facebook ads and it didn’t work for them.

The truth is the Facebook platform is virtually unlimited when it comes to advertising.

This podcast takes you through an overview of different ad types, different placement options, and different creative types that you can use for your Facebook advertising.

Trust me if you think you tried Facebook and it didn’t work, it’s just because you haven’t really learned how to take advantage of the Facebook advertising platform yet.

Enjoy the podcast!


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Overview of Facebook as an Ad Platform

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Podcast Transcription

Hey, what’s going on guys? This is Jimmy. I’m the Associate Creative Director for Manuel here at AGM and welcome back to the Facebook marketing Ninja podcast.

Also, a warm welcome to our new listeners. Go ahead and hit subscribe to get the latest tips and tricks for social media marketing.

Many people incorrectly think that they’ve tried Facebook ads and it didn’t work for them.

The truth is, the Facebook platform is virtually unlimited when it comes to advertising.

This episode takes you through an overview of different ad types, different placement options, and different creative types that you can use for your Facebook advertising.

Trust me, if you think you’ve tried Facebook and it didn’t work, it’s just because you haven’t really learned how to take advantage of the Facebook advertising platform yet.

So take some notes and enjoy the podcast.


Facebook Marketing Explained

There’s never a moment on the Facebook advertising world in which you say,

“You know what? I tried everything. I’m done. I don’t know where to go now because this didn’t work for me.”


Actually, it’s pretty unlimited what you can do in this advertising world and it never really ends.

That’s the reality.


In this lesson, we’re going to talk about what is Facebook Marketing.

This is something that, even though it’s quite obvious, a lot of people don’t fully understand

  • What it is composed of
  • Where is it placed?
  • How does it happen, you know?

And these are very important questions for us as advertisers, as brands

to fully understand because the more you understand something, the more you can actually use it correctly.


If you have a lot of confusion about it, then it becomes very difficult for you to operate correctly on it and maximize the effects on it.

So, there’s a lot of things going on in Facebook Marketing. As you know, we talked about Facebook Marketing being interruption marketing.

Now, how does that happen? Well, there are 2.3 billion people using Facebook actively every month. There are 1.5 billion people using Facebook every single day. That’s over 60% of the people that are using Facebook are active every single day.

That’s an incredible number!


Now, if we actually get a little bit more micro, and we talk about the United States, for example, the numbers are still really massive.

You’re talking about 300 million people in the United States living on it. There are 220 million monthly users and 160 something million active daily users.

There’s a lot of people. There’s a big, big bag of potential customers for all of us.

Like the reality is that a lot more people are using Facebook than Amazon and anything else.

Obviously, Amazon is a search engine for shopping and Facebook is something for entertainment, but Amazon is not a branding machine. Facebook is a branding machine.

So, you want to learn how to, how does this machine really work exactly, and how are we going to go about branding and actually growing our brands in the present time so we can serve by a better financially.


So, how does it work exactly?

Well, Facebook is actually a family of apps. It’s not just only Facebook. Facebook is the name of the corporation. Facebook is the actual monster that is the fourth biggest market cap in this entire country.

Like the only one that surpassed Facebook when it comes to size are Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft. Other than that, Facebook is the one that’s actually right there. Okay. As almost a tie with Amazon when it comes to its size.

So, it is a big company that was, if you think about it, created just 10 years ago. Again, Facebook is actually there to make money from advertising. That’s how they actually grow.

So what they’re trying to do is they’ve been able to actually grow a massive audience that now is using the Facebook platform every day or using the family of apps that they own.


Now, what do they own?

They own Facebook. They own Instagram. They own Messenger and a bunch of other ones that you haven’t even heard about. So those are the three big ones that we’re going to talk a lot about on this particular course.


An Overview of The Different Facebook Ad Placements for Marketers

But, how do they work?

Well, there’s a lot of different things. It’s like, if you try to answer the question of like, “How did this planet get created?” in one single paragraph. You can’t. There’s a lot of science behind it. There’s a lot of things that you have to understand. There’s a lot of different formats. There’s a lot of different placements.


1. Facebook News Feed

So, in short, when you are running an ad on Facebook, you are not just running it on Facebook. You have to decide, I’m going to talk to you guys about that later on. We’re going to get deeper into that subject, but you have to decide whether you want to run it on the Facebook newsfeed. That’s a placement.


2. Facebook Right Column

Then we have also, for example, something called the “Right Hand Desktop Corner”, right? So this is actually a little bit less and less important than what it used to be.

When somebody goes on facebook.com on their computer, we still see ads. There are about 10% of the people engaged with on those desktops. So we cannot disregard that completely. There’s a good amount of people still using that.


3. Instagram Feed

Then there’s also something called Instagram. You can put as a placement, from the same platform, your ads on Instagram. That’s another placement.


4. Instagram Stories

But now, inside those major platforms, then we also have something like Instagram Stories. That’s another placement.


5. In-stream Ads

And then you have on Facebook’s end, there’s something called in-stream ads. In-stream ads are ads that are being put in between the videos that are being played, which are very short videos that are, we’re talking about seconds short, that you want to just drive home a point.

I’m talking about five, six, seven-second videos that interrupt a person’s video. I know, it’s a little bit annoying. That’s what YouTube has been doing for a long time.

And they interrupt the person and then you have a chance to brand your product and then bring them in for the particular thing that you’re trying to create here. So that’s another placement by itself.


6. Instant Articles

There’s something also called like, you know when you can put your ads on instant articles, which are the people, the things that people are reading.


7. Audience Network

Also another placement. A placement could be, you know, something that they call the audience network, Facebook’s audience network.

If you open up different games and different apps from ESPN to Angry Birds to all kinds of games and platforms, you will see that Facebook has the ability to put their ads in those platforms and pull people out to their own websites and to Facebook again. So those are the audience network ads and they’re really powerful.

When this thing started maybe a couple of years ago, a lot of experts, gurus were telling you to get away from them.

I would even have told you that back then because it was not properly optimized and they didn’t have the targeting capabilities that we have today.

The audience network today is really, really effective. And Facebook has figured out a way to maximize that, and get a lot of high return on investment when it comes to those external applications. So that’s not something that we want to eliminate. In reality, it wasn’t effective, but today it’s really effective.


8. Messenger Inbox

So, there are several more placements. For example, one that is actually up and coming that is really powerful and growing, which we’re going to get into later on, I promise you, but we’ll get to that too, is Messenger placement.

That’s a big one, guys. That’s a fast-growing audience right there.

Messenger is being used by 1.5 billion people worldwide already, 1.4 something. It’s a lot of people that are active on that platform and growing, growing very, very fast.


9. Messenger Home

And then there is Messenger home. That is a fast-growing platform that you simply can not ignore. In this last year at, since the beginning of 2018, it has been the most powerful growing ad placement that we’ve seen. We have seen incredible results so far on putting our ads on the Messenger home placement.

We are getting subscribers and people opting into our funnels for next to nothing. So it’s not a platform that we can ignore. It’s not a placement to ignore. On the contrary, it is one of the biggest opportunities when it comes to placement in 2018.

You’ll become an expert on advertising on Messenger home because it does require a little bit of a different, you know, technology and images and editing and things like that that I’m going to teach you guys about. Especially for you guys, e-commerce brands, how are we going to get those guys into our funnels through placements like this?

So, it’s possibilities endless type of thing. There’s a lot of things that we can do. There’s never a moment on the Facebook advertising world in which you say:

“You know what? I tried everything. I’m done. I don’t know where to go now because this didn’t work for me.”

Actually, it’s pretty unlimited what you can do in this advertising world and it never really ends. That’s a reality.

So now, when we talk about placements, that’s an overview of it.

There’s also something called the formats.


What formats are we allowed to use on Facebook?

On all these apps, on all these family of apps that I have just mentioned, now, that’s a very similar answer.

It’s pretty unlimited.


There’s a lot of things that you can do with the formats.

1. You can do a single video

I’m going to talk to you guys about, later on, how we can build simple videos.

Even if you don’t feel comfortable behind a camera, it doesn’t matter. This is something that I’m going to make the process feel easy.


2. Single image

We all know about those. Those are the simple ones.


3. Carousel Image

Now you have something called a carousel, in which you can see a series of images just going by, just sliding through with your fingers on the actual news feed on your device.


4. Carousel Video

And then you have, instead of the single images, you can have a bunch of videos become a carousel in which they actually slide one by one. Imagine that. You can have a story of five little videos that tell a story step-by-step on how to use your product.

The power of this is incredible. So that’s another placement, a carousel video.

And again, I will show you how to use these things in a way that makes your brand look so professional that they’re going to think that they’re dealing with a massive corporation of billions of employees.

Exaggeration because no other company really has that. Point aside.

So the point is that many things that you can do, there are other things that are really cool.


Facebook Dynamic Ads

Once you guys have a catalog and let’s say that you build your own Shopify store with your own brands, there’s something called a, you can do something called a dynamic ad.

That’s what it’s called, in which when somebody visited your cart, they add it to cart, and maybe they don’t purchase. Then we continue communicating with these people on Facebook and then we get them to buy.

That is really powerful. So now you can also do a campaign called, which is a particular format, which is called a collection.

A collection is really cool for people that have more than one product, and you can add one single ad and you can put a single link for every single individual product.


Facebook Canvas Ads

And there’s another thing that’s really cool, which is called a canvas ad.

Guys, this is incredible. Because imagine that, instead of doing one single image, you can go ahead and you can build your own complete landing page website, inside of Facebook that opens up full screen just with a single click.

And now you can interact completely with that page and see everything from videos to images, to text and put links inside it.

So it’s really cool stuff because, for the same price as putting out a single image, you can actually create a humongous, a thousand X ROI (Return of Investment) when it comes to the attention that you’re getting and the positioning of your brand, something like that. Canvases are amazing.

Guys, later on, it’s exciting, later on, I’m going to go and dive deep into these things and build them out with you live, okay? So you can actually see them when I’m building them and you can actually see them on the computer how I work with them. It’s going to be awesome and you guys are going to be professionals at this.


There’s another format. By the time that I finished this, who knows,

Facebook keeps on evolving.


Which again, we will talk about that later on, because when you put a video out there, then you have the ability to find out who’s seen your video and who’s not seen your video and who’s seen your video 50% or more, or 75%, et cetera.

A lot to learn guys.

So, it’s not going to stop. You guys are going to keep on learning and learning for the next several months nonstop.

So, get ready to have the right mindset to become super masters and professional in the subject of Facebook marketing and everything that has to do with the apps connected with the Facebook world.


Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: agmninjalab.com/free-mini-course
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For more information about my advertising agency (AGM MARKETING) or if you would like to hire AGM for your marketing needs, please contact us at contact@agmagency.com/ or 1.888.280.3339.