Podcast Description


If you’ve already done all the hard work to get a person to become your customer it just makes good sense to keep the conversation going, right?

Well, with a simple spreadsheet of your existing customers, the Facebook Business Manager makes it super easy for you to create a new custom audience so that you can do exactly that.

Keep the conversation going.

In this podcast, Manuel talks about how to access the Facebook business manager, import your existing customers to build custom audiences, and lastly, he tells you what to do once you create the audience.

By the way, did you know that you can text Manuel your marketing questions?

It’s true! Text him at 813-212-2196 and he’ll personally answer you back.

Try it out!


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How to Leverage Existing Customers to Build Custom Audiences

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Podcast Transcription

Teaser: So this thing right here, a custom audience, basically, it means your audience, your data. This is the people that you have as your identities.

Intro: Welcome to the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. My name is Jimmy and I’m the Associate Creative Director for Manuel Suarez here at AGM. Go ahead and hit subscribe to stay up-to-date on the best social marketing tips out there.

Today’s episode title is How to Leverage Existing Customers to Build Custom Audiences.

If you’ve already done all the hard work to get a person to become your customer, it just makes good sense to keep the conversation going, right?

Well, with a simple spreadsheet of your existing customers, the Facebook business manager makes it super easy for you to create a new custom audience so that you can do exactly that.

Keep the conversation going.

In this podcast, Manuel talks about how to access the Facebook business manager, import your existing customers to build custom audiences. And lastly, he tells you what to do once you create the audience.

By the way, did you know that you can text Manuel your marketing questions? It’s true. Text him at (813) 212-2196 and he’ll personally answer you back. Try it out.


Uploading Existing Customer List on Facebook

So a lot of people today still don’t understand that one of the most powerful things about social media is the ability to continue communicating with your existing customers.

If you’ve been in business long enough, you know that most businesses survive because of recurring revenue.


What does recurring revenue mean?

People that keep on buying your stuff over and over again. If your business is a service that needs continuity, or if your business is a CPG product, consumer packaged goods, or if it’s some kind of product that needs people to continue to purchase it…

For example, my brand called NaturalSlim. We have people on a weight loss program. They keep on getting help every single month and I need them to keep on coming back and buying. Then, you would be missing out, in no small part, of the greatest marketing opportunity in the world of social media marketing.

And that’s your ability – to get your existing customers to come back and buy things from you every single month, get back to the shopping cart, get back to your channels, call you again, and engage with you so they can keep on buying things from you.

This is a very basic but important thing. A lot of people don’t understand that this is something that we have access to. And I’m going to show you in a few simple steps, how you can actually take your existing customer list on an Excel file and upload it into Facebook.

And now, string a line with your Facebook and Instagram following exclusively of your customers. Even if they don’t follow you on Facebook or Instagram, you’re still going to have the ability to put a message in front of them. So let’s get to it.


How to Upload Your Customer List on Facebook?

All right. So, this right here is an e-commerce list that I have accumulated. It has several thousand people. I think this one, particularly here has over a thousand people. I’m just using it as an example over here.

I have an Excel file here. This Excel file, I downloaded it and I saved it as a CSV file. CSV stands for comma-separated value.

So on this computer, this file has been saved. This whiteboard is a computer.


I’m going to show you guys how to get that uploaded into Facebook. So the first thing that you got to do is you’re going to go to google.com

That’s simple, right? Once you’re in Google, you’re going to enter in the browser business.facebook.com.

Once you land on the business.facebook.com… This is basically your platform in which you create all the ads. You create your campaigns, your audiences, you select your ads. It allows you to advertise on the Facebook family of apps.



I have other videos on that subject that you can easily find. This information is really accessible about what the Facebook business manager is all about. So you’re going to access your Facebook business manager.

In this example, I’m going to move out of this account and I’m going to go into one called AGM Marketing. AGM is my marketing agency. It stands for Attention Grabbing Media. It wasn’t in here. There is a section on the top left-hand corner, and I’m going to put a circle around that right here.

It’s this section right here. All right. And I’m going to try to zoom in so you guys can see what I’m doing right now. And it’s this thing right here, that series of dots right there, it’s a total of nine dots. Once you click on that, right here, you click on this thing, it’s going to open up a menu and there’s a lot of different things.

You can actually expand this. There’s this arrow right here that I can click on to expand the menu and make it even bigger. I don’t need to go down that route right now.

I’m going to click on this thing over here that says ‘Audiences’. Once I click on audiences, this is where the magic happens. I have done other videos. If you guys probably click on the link over here or in the description somewhere, there are videos in which I show you guys how to build these audiences on Facebook.

People that are engaging with your videos, watching your page, engaging with your Instagram profile, they’re visiting your websites, all these things, that information has been covered before.

We’re only talking right now about communicating with your existing customer list. If you have a list that you’ve accumulated of emails and phone numbers, this video will help you. And this process will help you get that setup.


Creating a Custom Audience

So over here, I’m in the audience section and I have several things to do.

Right now, I’m only going to focus on creating an audience, which they call it… Facebook calls it a ‘Custom Audience’.

So this thing right here, a custom audience, basically, it means your audience, your data. This is people that you have as your identities.

So I want to create a custom audience. So what I do is that I click on this button over here and I’m going to create a custom audience. And what type of a custom audience is it? Well, in this case, I want to do a customer list.

I’m going to click on customer list and it says, prepare your customer list. Your customer list is a CSV or text file that contains information used to build your audience.

You’re going to have to have the phone numbers or the emails or both. You’re going to have to have all these information properly organized, which is very simple. If you look at this particular sheet right here, I’m going to make sure that my guys are blurring out the emails, because we don’t want to have you guys communicating with these guys over here.

But you can see here, it’s very simple!

The customer list

is a first name, a last name, a phone number, and an email.

Not everybody has a phone number. Ideally, from now on when you’re collecting identities, you always want to capture a phone number because a phone number is going to dramatically increase your ability to contact these people on social media.

And it’s as simple as that. As you can see on this one, there’s a total of four columns – first name, last name, phone number, and email. And that’s it.

You can actually very easily go to file > save as > and you save as a CSV file. And that’s basically going to be your file, which in this case, we already have that ready to roll.

So I’m going to go over here, back to this section over here, and I’m going to go to Next. All right. So one thing that … We’re not going to get into it right now – it’s a subject for another day. But a lot of people, chiropractors, doctors, they have certain rules and laws that they need to abide by.


Protecting Your Customer File

For example, there’s one called the HIPAA law. That particular law does not allow doctors and chiropractors and these types of people in this industry to share the information from their leads and use it for other channels, for other ways. That’s something important for you guys to keep in mind.

But the process is called hashing. Hashing. That information never actually gets to Facebook servers. It gets into a middle place in which this data is matched with the user account. And that’s how they find these people.

So I’m going to go to next. And then I’m going to answer a couple of questions.


Question and Answer

Does your list include a column for customer value?

I’m going to say no. In this example, you can add that customer value because you can say how much that person has spent on their lifetime, which allows you to open up other doors that we’re not going to get into right now.

And then add a customer list. Before uploading your list, make sure you have enough identifiers in the correct format. The list needs to be in CSV or TXT format, text format.

So I’m going to say here, drag and drop your files, upload a file. I’m going to click on this right here. And I’m going to look for documents in my downloads. I’m going to select this one right here and I’m going to open this one. And I got the sheets of Amazon E-Commerce Interests. That’s my sheet of people in there. People that are interested in the Amazon e-commerce side of things, and then I’m going to name my audience and that audience could be called E-Commerce Interested.

And I’m going to go to Next and email. As long as you have this check mark right here, that means that it’s correctly formatted. So that’s good.

So first name, you can change this from Do Not Upload to First Name.

Last Name – you can change from Do Not Upload to Last Name.

Phone Number, right now it says Do Not Upload. We’re going to have to change to Phone Number. And this is something really important. The phone number has to have a certain way that you have on the document.

And if you go back over here, you’re going to see that on the requirements you need to have that formatting be – have that one in front of it – and there has to be a certain format in order for it to work. And you’re going to see that right here.

Let me see if I can go back one more so I can show you that again. So phone number over here.


Here’s How the Formats Work:

One two two, like that, zero zero one. For example, for Mexico, plus one two two.

These are the formats and they have to be like that. In other words, you have to have the country code in front of that phone number. Otherwise, it would not work.

So let me go through this again very quickly. No, I’m going to upload the file again. I have it over here and I’m going to name the audience E-Comm Interest. And then I’m going to go to… Whoop! That did not type.


I got this thing correctly here.

First Name, Phone Number, Last Name,

And then upload and create. Upload in progress. Your customer list is currently being uploaded. It says the customer list information has been successfully hashed and uploaded, meaning that it has been submitted to the system.

And we have 1,177 rows uploaded. Now, it’s all good. And then we’re going to go to Done. And that audience is here now.

You see, at the audience level, that audience is here. You now have these people being discovered by Facebook, and now you can actually target them, retarget them and continue the conversation with them on Facebook and Instagram. All right?


So Now, How Do You Find These People in Here?

If you go to your ads manager – I’m going to refresh this window over here in the Facebook business manager.

And now you go to Create a Campaign and I create a campaign of whatever that is.

Let’s say that I want to bring traffic to my website. And I want to just get these people that have visited my website already and have purchased something from me to go back to my website.

So now I go over here and I select the type of campaign that I want, and I’m going to go to Next. And something magical happens here at this level.

As I’m creating the campaign now there’s a section here called Custom Audiences. All right, Custom Audiences. I’m in the process of creating a campaign. I already selected the objective, which is traffic. And now I want to select who do I want to communicate to.

So I click on Existing Audiences and… look what happens over here. Look what shows up. Boom, we’re zooming in on this one. E-Comm Interest. We just selected that. We just created this audience over here. It’s called E-Comm Interest.

And the circle is kind of working. We’re going to put it over here. Now, every time that I touch it, it goes away. But I think they can see it there, E-Comm Interest. You guys see it there.

E-Comm Interest, it is a customer list and we’re going to go in and select that one. And once I select that one, whatever I do on the final level is going to be only sent to these people.


The Last Step

So I can go over here to the last level over here. And now my ad over here that I am creating on, for example, in the Manuel Suarez page, maybe on the Manuel Suarez Instagram profile.

I can go and select Create an Ad, and I can select a single image. And the beautiful thing about this is that now I am building a relationship only with this particular customer list.

Facebook and Instagram, both platforms, through this particular process are going to help me put my message in front of these people.

And I can say, ‘Hey, I want to thank you for being my customer. I want to give you guys some information about an upcoming product that I have. And I want to tell you guys first, because you are my customer and you are who I value the most.’.

So you’re talking to them.

So I can select right here, this message over here, for example, this image. And I have an ad that I’m creating and I’m writing it up. And it’s absolutely amazing because I’m talking to the most important people in my business, my customers.

So there you have it. That’s how you actually create an ad, how you create a customer list on Facebook and Instagram. So you can continue conversing with these people on social media, both Facebook and Instagram.

Retarget them and scale your business while bringing in new customers.

All right. See you guys on the next episode. Remember if you have a marketing question, send me a message at (813) 212-2196.

Hey guys, it’s Jimmy again. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. If you want to learn more advanced Ninja tactics to grow your business and master social media marketing, then sign up for the Manuel Suarez coaching program by heading over to our website, www.agmninjalab.com. That’s www.agmninjalab.com.


Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: agmninjalab.com/free-mini-course
If you’re ready to take your social media marketing game to the next level, then check out the AGM Ninja Lab by visiting agmninjalab.com.
And don’t forget to follow me on social media for even more marketing tips and strategies. I post content every day, so be sure to follow me on your favorite platforms!
Messenger Channel: www.m.me/theninjamarketer/
Ps: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Facebook Marketing Ninja Podcast and if you found value in today’s episode please leave a review.
For more information about my advertising agency (AGM MARKETING) or if you would like to hire AGM for your marketing needs, please contact us at contact@agmagency.com/ or 1.888.280.3339