Podcast Description

Podcasts are a great way to reach people who you might otherwise miss out on your content because they don’t spend as much time on social media as some others might.

But, they do enjoy listening to podcasts while they do other things such as the drive to work, go to the gym, walk their dog, or cook dinner.

So, how do you maximize your reach to these podcast listeners when they do get on social media?

By adding these listeners into custom audiences so that you can place sponsored, relative content in front of them.

AKA Retargeting!

And that’s what Manuel is discussing in this episode with podcast expert and CEO of Command Your Brand, Jeremy Ryan Slate.


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How to Grow Your List by Retargeting Your Podcast Listeners

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Podcast Transcription

How to Grow Your List by Retargeting Your Podcast Listeners

Teaser: There’s a certain audience on podcasts that is not on social media. There’s a certain audience that if you’re not on the podcast, you’re never going to reach.

Because these guys don’t have time to open up Facebook and spend a lot of time on it. Or open up Instagram or watch YouTube videos or go to TikTok for that matter.

There are people that are on podcasts only, and they want to get their information there.

So, if you don’t do this, you’re going to miss out on a whole segment of the population that all they do is listen.

Intro: Welcome to the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast.

My name is Jimmy and I’m the Associate Creative Director for Manuel Suarez here at AGM.


The AGM Ninja Lab

Before we jump into today’s podcast, Manuel wanted me to tell you that now you have the opportunity to learn the same marketing skills that we use every day here at AGM Marketing to help big and small clients alike. They’re all available inside the AGM Ninja Lab.

And right now you can try out this online skill learning platform for a full week for just $1. Go to agmninjalab.com and sign up today. That’s A-G-M-N-I-N-J-A-L-A-B.com.

Head over there and sign up for your one-week $1, no-obligation test drive today.

You know, podcasts are a great way to reach people who might otherwise miss out on your content because they don’t spend as much time on social media as some others might.

But they do enjoy listening to podcasts while they do other things – such as drive to work or go to the gym, walk their dog or cook dinner, you know.

So how do you maximize your reach to these podcasts listeners when they do get on social media? I’ll tell you how.

By adding them into custom audiences so that you can play sponsored relative content right in front of them, AKA retargeting. And that’s exactly what Manuel is discussing in this episode with podcast expert, CEO of Command Your Brand, Jeremy Ryan Slate. Check it out.


How to Grow Your List by Retargeting Your Podcast Listeners

Jeremy: The other tool that I really, really love that everybody should be using, this is called getemails.com.

In getemails.com, they put a piece of code in your website and they have a massive database of people that have opted in for, you know, like different offers and stuff. So their emails are totally white hat and stuff.

But basically, they recognize, Oh, this person has been to your site and they opted into your list.

Manuel: Wow.

Jeremy: So then you have like a seven-day sequence that goes with that.

Manuel: Well, hold on a second. Okay. So there are two things that I want to break down here. Okay? For a second. All right?

Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah.

Manuel: So going back to the thing that you said just before that.

Jeremy: Yeah.

Manuel: We’re talking about retargeting.

Jeremy: Correct. Facebook retargeting.

Manuel: So I absolutely am retargeting like madmen, right? I mean, same with that particular subject. On podcasts, I’m an utter failure on the subject of retargeting.

Jeremy: Oh, you need to be retargeting, bro.

Manuel: If you go to my website, if you go to manuelsuarez.com, which is my blog, there is a section there in which I put all the podcast episodes and they have a little transcript, but I don’t think anybody cares about it.

My podcast downloads are all happening on the platforms, whether that’s Apple podcasts or Spotify, Google podcasts, or all these places. So I don’t have that data.


Can you confirm or deny that:



Jeremy: That would be correct, but that’s why, like, if you have a good show notes page, I know we drive a lot of traffic to our site from the podcast.

So, like you want to have a good show notes page. And yeah, you’re going to get maybe 10, 20% of it.

But if you’re doing that over time and that builds on top of itself and you’re retargeting those people, that’s really valuable.

And that’s like as a host. But also as a guest, like when you’re going on other people’s show and you’re saying, Hey, I got this free offer for you. It’s, you know, manuelsuarez.com/blah, blah, blah. Like you should be retargeting the heck out of that as well.

You need to be thinking of like, I call it the leaky bucket, right; you need to be looking at when I’m sending people someplace, you know, where can I plug up the holes in the bucket? That’s where I look at email retargeting, capture retargeting, like, get emails and stuff like that.

So like, you want to figure out how can I capture as many identities as possible with all this trust I’m creating.

Manuel: Right.


So, here’s what I’m doing, Jeremy.

And you can give me some advice on this. Since I have you on the call, we can make this a personal consultation. All right. Because I know that you’re an expert in this area.

What I’m doing right now is that we have an advertising budget and we spend that every month and it’s all based on our income and that’s strategic, right? Always, always be spending.


And we spend that money on advertising our content.

We don’t spend the money advertising our podcasts.


And I think that’s… What we currently get when it comes to podcast downloads, which we do pay attention to it, and we do have a graph and we do measure it and we do push for it, et cetera. It’s all a hundred percent organic.


The Best Way to Retarget Your Podcast Audience

Now, would you suggest, Jeremy, that the right way to do it… I mean, we do have it on the website. We don’t have the show notes as powerful as you have them. We have the Anchor player hosted on the website. It’s a meta on the website.

And then we have like the subject. Then, we have a transcript of the podcast and it’s an ever-going, like non-stop feed of these particular podcast episodes.

Would you suggest that we start running some advertising towards, “Hey, do you want to listen to this podcast? Go to the show note episode right here.

And obviously, never, it wouldn’t make any sense because you don’t have the ability to retarget people. It wouldn’t make any sense that you go from Facebook to Apple podcast, from Facebook to Spotify because you miss that connection.

So, would you say that the best way to go about it is like you want to… you have a hot episode.

Like for example, “In this episode, I interview the legendary Jeremy Ryan Slate who’s done over 800 episodes on podcast that has persistence and patience and perseverance and has been able to build his business from the ground up with the power of podcasting. And he’s going to break it all down into a journey that you can travel yourself. Come listen to the podcast.


Instead of sending them to the Apple podcast…

These people, they can go from Facebook. “Oh yeah, I want to listen to a podcast,” and they go to the homepage. And then – not the home page, but the show note page. Then, on that page, would you say that you can add options to like, Hey, do you want to listen to this on Apple or iTunes or Spotify or whatever? Click here.


That’s the key right there

Jeremy: That’s the key right there.

Manuel: At that point, you already have the audience, right? At that point, you already have the audience. Right? They visited you. So, okay. So that’s the key right there. Why is that?

Jeremy: So the key right there is having a good podcast player on your site. So I actually am, I’m on WordPress. So I use one. I think it’s called Simple Podcast Player, I think. I can double-check it for you later.

But basically, what it does is you can stream there in the site or I have it set up so it goes to, you can go right to the Spotify link. You can go right to the Apple podcast. Like you can go right to these places. So my audience knows that, Hey, if they don’t want to search, they can go right to the episode, right from my site. And they don’t have to search on their phone or whatever.

Having a good podcast player on your site is key to making all this stuff work.

Because you’re making it so everybody knows, If I go one place, I can find your episode on any platform I want to listen to it on.


The Simple Podcast Player (Press)

So, I believe it’s called Simple Podcast Player. You pay for it like one time, it’s like 60 bucks and you can embed it right on the site. It does a special player for… it hooks up to your Apple podcast feed. And every time a podcast episode is published, it creates the post on your site. Then, the player that I’ve customized sends them to each one of those places.

Like, if you check one of my latest show notes posts, you will kind of see how I do it. And that’s really, really, really important because then the only link we’re promoting is the show notes page. We’re not promoting the Apple link, we’re not promoting the Spotify link.

In all of our promotions, we’re promoting that link. So then when we retarget, we’re also retargeting only people that have gone to any page with podcast before it. Do you know what I mean? That way, we’re making sure we’re retargeting just those people, you know? We’re kind of… we’re blocking out any of the other URLs on their site. Does that make sense?



Manuel: I think my team right now is getting some aha moments and probably listening to this, a little mind-blowing and excited about that. So obviously, Anchor has its own player. But, but that’s going to have…

Jeremy: You’re not capturing anything from that, though.

Manuel: Right. So, but I can embed the play. I know, you’re right. But that’s if I send them to anchor.fm, which by the way, it’s anchor.fm/facebookninja, I think it is. And then, you land on the page, which is hosted inside Anchor. But we do have the embedded player from Anchor in our website.

Jeremy: Okay.

Manuel: So I am capturing that.

Jeremy: Cool.

Manuel: But I don’t think it gives us the ability that you just talked about. So I think it’s probably like…

Jeremy: Yeah. That’s important.

Manuel: So, it’s something that I didn’t even know existed. It’s almost, it’s like, it goes back to this. I mean, one of the greatest lessons that I have learned in life over the years, Jeremy. I’ve had a lot of things happen.


My Story

I mean, you might know a little bit of my history. I wasn’t part of your show. I was bankrupt in 2010. I’ve built myself along the way.

My biggest lesson of all… If I was asked a question, “Manuel, what is the number one lesson that you learned in your entire life that led you towards expansion and growth and success?

One sentence.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Wow. What a sentence man, right there. Once you discover things, you get to realize the opportunities that you missed out along the way. So something simple like that is… it could be so powerful.

The reason why we’re not doing it enough… I mean, I’m a big advertiser. I am such a believer in investing, not spending – investing money on getting people to pay attention. I’m a believer in a guaranteed negative return on investments. Why? Because I’m building an audience, I’m building people, I’m building connections.

Jeremy: Awareness.

Manuel: I’m getting these people to start trusting in me, credibility, et cetera. So I, my advertising budget does not get promoted towards getting people to buy my products or services. I don’t spend a penny selling AGM Marketing services. And I’m talking about literally, Jeremy, I don’t spend a penny. I spend every single dollar over here, I invest every dollar on the branding side of things, getting people to see who I am.

Jeremy: Right.

Manuel: So I can give them a chance to give them some value. And by doing so…

Jeremy: It’s a know, like, and trust factor. Like if they don’t know who you are and they don’t trust you, they don’t know what this service is. And if they even need it from you, you know what I mean?

Manuel: Right. The way that I look at it, Jeremy, is that I am trying to earn the right to be able to make them an offer along the line. And if I haven’t provided VALUE to them along the way, if I haven’t EDUCATED them, if I haven’t INSPIRED them, I don’t think I have the right to do so.


So when you look at my agency and the people that I have over here, it’s built on two types of people:

  1. People that are my followers, my fans that have consumed my content. People that have become believers in my mission.
  2. People that have been referred by these guys that have had success.

I don’t have anybody else here. So I don’t go and convince somebody of what I do and how I work and how I get results. I come and have people that want to be a part of us because I’ve been building this brand and this audience and showing these guys that I can help them.


Again, that right there guys is a really, really hot tip!

If you want to advertise your podcast, there is an audience for that. The way I see this, and Jeremy, you can correct me if I’m wrong, but…


There’s a certain audience on podcasts that is not on social media!

There is a certain audience that – if you’re not on the podcast, you’re never going to reach. Because these guys don’t have time to open up Facebook and spend a lot of time on it or open up Instagram or watch YouTube videos or go to TikTok for that matter.

There are people that are on podcasts only, and they want to get their information there. So if you don’t do this, you’re going to miss out on a whole segment of the population that all they do is listen to some.

Do you agree to that, Jeremy?

Jeremy: You know, I would absolutely agree! And I was looking for over here just so I could like definitely tell you before I got off here. The product is called Simple Podcast Press.

That allows me to kind of have all those players on that page, but I would agree, man. You have to have people that are as much a fan of what you’re doing as you are. Do you know what I mean? Like, if you don’t have somebody on board with purpose, then, you know, kind of, what’s the point? It’s really, really important.

Manuel: Simple Podcast Press.

Jeremy: Yup.

Manuel: I’m writing it down because my team needs to get on this ASAP.



Jeremy: And then, the other thing I mentioned is getemails.com. We’ve doubled our email list since February. It’s a great product.

Manuel: Okay. Can you tell me what that is all about? Cause I was just like I want to go back to the early things. So, getemails.com.

Jeremy: Yeah. So you know, it’s no secret, people that you give your email address to sell it online, most retailers and stuff like that. That’s just kind of how it works.

So, what getemails.com is is it’s an email capture retargeting service, totally white hat, totally legal, like, you know, Canem compliant and all that kind of stuff.


But what it does is they have a massive database

of all the people that have opted in all these different sites.


You know. I don’t quite know what companies they work with, but they have a massive database.

So they can take about 30% of your anonymous web traffic and turn it into email subscribers. What happens is they’ll say, “Okay, this person’s in our database, great. We’re going to opt them into Manuel’s list.” Then, the really important thing to do though is like we use Active Campaign for our email marketing.

As you have like a, we do a seven-day email sequence, but you know, you could do one or two, but you want to have that person once they get opted in, go into a seven-day email sequence because they’re always wondering like, how do I get here?


If you get a broadcast email right away, they’re going to unsubscribe.

You put them in a sequence.


So you kind of create some trust before you ever, you know, you wait a full week before you send them a broadcast.

But you can take 30% of these people that wouldn’t opt-in for anything, or haven’t opted in, add them to your list, create the trust with a five to seven-day sequence. And then you have, you know, more people you can basically email to in broadcast emails. We’ve doubled our list since February.


The Money is in the List

Manuel: Wow. Wow. Well, that’s a hot tip right there guys that you can take a look at to see if it’s going to help you get more identities. As you guys know, I’ve talked about this for a long time. You’ve got to make sure that the money is in… you have enough people on your list.

The money is in the list. Like they say in the world of marketing, you’ve got to make sure that you have enough people, so you can actually get them through your systems and your journey. Okay?

So getemails.com is something to check out.

Outro: Hey guys, it’s Jimmy again. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. If you want to learn more advanced Ninja tactics to grow your business and master social media marketing, then sign up for the Manuel Suarez coaching program by heading over to our website, www.agmninjalab.com.

That’s www.agmninjalab.com!



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If you’re ready to take your social media marketing game to the next level, then check out the AGM Ninja Lab by visiting agmninjalab.com.
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