Establishing Social Media Goals for your Brand 

by | May 14, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments


Podcast Description

How often do you think about what your full potential is?

Or what it will take for you to establish yourself as an authority in your marketplace?

These are questions you’ll need to consider when establishing your goals for social media. Because these goals will help drive you to the business success and community impact that you want.

Deciding what goals you want to achieve will give you the best chance of getting in front of the right people on social media. And, yes, the right people are on social media.

How do we know?

Because research has shown that approximately 4.6 out of 5 adults are using social media daily.

And to get seen by them you need to know what your goals are so that you can plan the most effective strategy to grab their attention.

You can learn more about setting your goals, designing your business, and using social media the right way as part of the AGM Ninja Lab. The AGM Ninja Lab is a growing online library of digital marketing skills for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to get customers and make more money.

Check it out at


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Establishing Social Media Goals for your Brand 

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We all know that everybody has smartphone devices in their pockets. The numbers are like 4.6 out of every five adults in the United States have their cell phones with them. So it’s a big number.

Now, do you know that on those smartphone devices, over 50% of every hour is spent on social media?

So, if we have such a dominating world in the social media world, the rest of the time is being spent on email, text messaging, phone calls, other applications, and utilities.

But most of the time, incredibly, it’s being spent on social media platforms.



Welcome to another episode of the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. My name is Jimmy and I’m the Associate Creative Director for Manuel Suarez here at AGM.

How often do you think about what your full potential is or what it will take for you to establish yourself as an authority in your marketplace?

Well, these are questions you’ll need to consider when establishing your goals for social media because these goals will help drive you to the business success and community impact that you want.

Deciding what goals you want to achieve will give you the best chance of getting in front of the right people on social media, and yes, the right people are on social media.

How do we know? Because research has shown that approximately 4.6 out of five adults are using social media daily.

And to get seen by them, you need to know what your goals are so that you can plan the most effective strategy to grab their attention.

You can learn more about setting your goals, designing your business, and using social media the right way as a part of the AGM Ninja Lab.


The AGM Ninja Lab

The AGM Ninja lab is a growing online library of digital marketing skills for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to get customers and make more money. Check it out at


Establishing Social Media Goals for your Brand 

Okay. So if you are here on this course with me, I’m pretty sure that you already have a brand.

And if you don’t have a brand, I know you’re probably working and thinking on building a brand.

It’s important that on this next video, after it’s done, you actually sit down and work out – what are your goals for your brand? What would you like to accomplish with it?

Create kind of a visual of where do you see at a year from now, two years from now.


Living in a Fast-Paced World

On other eras, I will tell you, “20 years down the line, where do you see yourself.”

But we live in such a fast-paced world right now that I will tell you to picture how you’re going to be, how the brand is going to look, how big you’re going to be in a year or two.

So, in the social media world, because that’s my area of specialty, if you are talking about how big do you want to be on your Amazon brand and how big do you want to be on your e-commerce, that’s a separate thing.

I want you to visualize right now how big and how big of an influence you’re going to have on the social media environment.


When I’m talking about the social media environment, you know what I’m obsessed about. We’re talking about Facebook, Instagram, Messenger. You can throw in there YouTube because YouTube cannot be ignored.

Now, the thing about it is that whatever you do on Facebook, if you do videos, then you should actually have your channel on YouTube and upload things in there.

But the opportunity to break through on YouTube is not there like it used to be.

It’s going to take you a lot more effort than it would have in 2006 or 2009.

Right now, I would say that you need to concentrate on the platforms that give you the greatest opportunity for you to break through and make your brand known.


I want you guys to visualize

Now, where is your brand going to be in a year or two from today?

Write that up, put it on a piece of paper, put it on a document that you can print out and just have it there.

How many followers you’re going to have, how many videos – your videos are – actually, how many people are going to watch your videos?

How many people are going to be visiting your websites from social media?

The amount of content you’re going to be putting out there?


Everything about your social media

should be clear.


And also, you can actually add in there how much of your advertising dollars are going to be spent on social media.

Just have a clear vision, so you can actually put it there and start working towards that.

So, as a first step in actually starting to implement these actions, I would like you to just sit down and visualize the whole thing and see what is your true potential.

Again, you can actually start looking at – do – can I be the person behind the camera?

Am I need to… do I need to train myself for that? Or get ready for that? Or am I going to start producing a lot of articles? Or what am I going to do exactly?

Or do I need to bring in somebody in the team that can be the face who can start communicating things about my brand?

So now I can position myself as an authority, as a tough leader, as a brand that is actually making a difference on this planet.


We talked about that a couple of times already…

we are trying to change the world

We are trying to make a difference.


So, visualize how you’re going to use the power of social media, which is a massive communication channel to actually put your brand out there.

Some little-known fact as to what’s going on right now in the social media world, we all know that everybody has smartphone devices in their pockets.

The numbers are like 4.6 out of every five adults in the United States have their cell phones with them. So it’s a big number.


Now, do you know that on those smartphone devices,

over 50% of every hour is spent on social media?

So if we have such a dominating world in the social media world, the rest of the time is being spent on email, text messaging, phone calls, other applications, and utilities.

But most of the time, incredibly, it’s being spent on social media platforms. It’s interesting that you can count the social media platforms with your fingers.

You have Facebook, Instagram, you got Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest. There are very little social media platforms out there.

They are so little that it’s incredible when you think that all these millions of people, billions around the world are actively using those few platforms that I’ve mentioned every single day.


So now you have this wealth of people in there,

that all you gotta do is put yourself in there consistently.


And if somebody didn’t have a problem to solve tomorrow, but you put yourself in front of them.

Trust me, nine months down the line, they might. And guess who they’re going to think about.

If you did things right, they’re going to think about you. And now we have a snowball effect.


So on this video, I want you to really now, at the end, sit down and work that out.

Where do you, as a brand, whether you have a face or not, where do you want to be in the process of making a difference in this world through your particular niche market?

Whatever it is, it’s very exciting because this is the thing – we have a level playing field, and right now you, as a brand, can compete with any big brand out there just because it’s so affordable to advertise in social media.

It’s not going to always be the case. In about 10 years or 15 years, or who knows when maybe five – years. Hopefully not. It’s going to be a little bit more expensive or a lot more expensive.

And you’re not going to have the chance to put yourself in front of the millions of people like you do today.


So, think big.

If you’re going to think, make sure you think really big.

Don’t have a small mind about this. Don’t have a small viewpoint about your potential.

Think big and everything else goes after that.


Outro: Hey guys, it’s Jimmy again. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. If you want to learn more advanced Ninja tactics to grow your business and master social media marketing, then sign up for the Manuel Suarez coaching program by heading over to our website,


Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy the podcast!
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About the Author

After delivering seminars all over the world, I realized how unique the knowledge I have really is. So I decided to share my ability, to help people become successful in what I view to be the greatest marketing era in humanity’s history.

I’ve built several million-dollar businesses. It can be done. Now I want to show you how.

Stay tuned for tools and strategies you can use right now to build your brands and increase revenue!