In this podcast I go deep into the main factor to success in Facebook advertising: Finding your Audience. T

here are 220 million people actively using Facebook in the US. There’s 1.6 billion worldwide using it. Most of them, the great majority, are not your customers.



Most People are Not Your Customers

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Hello guys! Welcome to another podcast of the Facebook Marketing Ninja. On this session today, we are going to go deep into the subject of understanding that most people out there are not your customers, they’re not. These people out there are not interested in what you have to say and this is something that people don’t work hard enough at finding on the Facebook advertising platform. You’ve got to keep in mind that in the Facebook world, there’s so many people using it, so many demographics, so many socio-economic levels, and so many different areas that if you don’t work hard enough to understand these audiences and find them, then, you’re going to lose every single time.

Most of the times when I see people quitting and they say, “Well, I tried. I was working hard on finding an audience. I kept on doing Facebook advertising and it just didn’t happen”, what they didn’t do was to try hard enough and that’s a reality. Facebook ads is a process of discovery that you have to run ten to twenty campaigns before you actually find a winning audience. Imagine that. So, it’s like in the baseball world. On baseball, if you are a baseball hitter, your job is to hit the ball – you’re not a pitcher, you’re not a catcher, but your job is to hit the ball. If you actually hit the ball three times out of every ten times, do you know that you are considered very successful? The best performing athletes in the history of the baseball sport have only batted about 380, the best ones. Meaning that for every ten at-bats, they only were able to actually hit a good hit, or getting to the bases safe three to four times max. So, that’s the reality of what is going on today with Facebook ads. People don’t try enough. They don’t get enough at-bats until they find that audience because if you think about the great enormity of what we have in front of us today which is one single platform, one single app, one single media organization that can give you access to an enormous wealth of people, basically unlimited traffic. All that you’ve got to do is understand how to find your audience.

Let me tell you one thing. The best audiences do not actually care so much when you put creatives in front of them. If you are talking to somebody that’s bald, that doesn’t have hair on their heads, and you give them a solution to growing their hair, then, your creative can actually be quite bad and they will still respond to your message. But, on the other hand, if you are talking about creating a million dollar video production doing incredibly ecstatic artworks, images, graphics, designs, and all these things, but then you’ve talked to people that have heads full of hair, then, you’re going to lose every single time. So, creative is secondary to finding an audience. You have to work on understanding who your audience is.

One of my main concentration throughout all my training, in my articles and my blogs, in my videos, in my seminars, all over the place, is I am trying to drive the point home that people are not working hard enough at understanding their audience and they don’t persist enough in locating that group of people that are willing to hear their message and that wants to engage with them because they like your product and your service.

Let’s talk about the example of somebody being overweight. Well, some people don’t even care. You don’t have to find overweight people because a lot of overweight people don’t really care that they are overweight or maybe are not interested in handling the problem. So, you have to find the people that are actually interested in handling the problem. And, that requires targeting. Let’s say, for example, somebody that dresses horribly and they are always dressing in rags, broken clothes, shirts that are dirty, shoes that are like the worst quality shoes, they don’t buy any quality clothes at all. You might think like, “Wait for a second, maybe what I have to do is find these people and promote to them because they need to dress better.” Well, the only person that thinks that they need to dress better is you and maybe their neighbors but they themselves don’t care about that. So, it’s not just about only finding people that have that problem, it’s also about finding people that want to do something about that problem.

I’m going to talk to you guys about how to build an audience that gets nurtured with your content that you can push videos out there, images out there; you can push information out there and these people get interested in and now, they can actually feel a need for addressing that problem. You’ve got to help them wake up. You’re talking to somebody that’s unhealthy. You make them see that their life can get shortened dramatically and they cannot see their kids grow up, and they will not be able to see their grandchildren because they’re not going to be around. If you’ll help them see that, they’ll wake up. Somebody in the example of not being able to style themselves correctly, not dressing properly, these people, you need to somehow make them realize that they should have a better sense about themselves, better self-confidence and how that improves their quality of life. So, there are things that you can do along the way to nurture people and that’s why content works so well because it helps people wake up and raise responsibility for their problems that your business addresses to them and handles for them. So, that’s the one thing to keep in mind. But, you have to actively work at understanding and finding your audience. If you don’t do that, you’re going to fail every single time.

Most people are not your customers. They don’t care. Let’s say that you have 170 million people in the United States actively using Facebook – about 200 million people actively using Facebook and Instagram every single day. It’s a lot of people. Most of those people are not interested in what you have to say. You have to find the several million people that do want to hear what you have to say. Now, this is something that is really practical for you. If you have been following my content for a while, you know that I talk about the Facebook Business Manager. The Facebook Business Manager is a tool that gives you information about your audience, and about your potential audience. For example, if you go to and in there you start searching around for Facebook Pages, for celebrities, for famous brands, for famous stores, you can actually start seeing what are the demographics, what ages they’re on, what other pages do they like, what areas they live in, what ages overall, whether they’re young, middle-aged, older people, overall. This is something that you need to start understanding along the way. You can use something in the Business Manager called Audience Insights. Back in the day, guys, in reality, when we had corporations like Mad Men Agencies that, I don’t know if you guys have seen that show, but it’s a show on Netflix that was very famous for a long time. It was a big agency, only big agencies had access to software that we have access to today.

If you go to then you can go to actual Audiences, and in there, you have access to a free tool called Audience Insights and you can start understanding all about your audience. Audience Insights is a free tool. Guys, check it out. If you compare this with the past times, let me explain to you how unique the opportunity is today. Back in the 1940s, back in the 1960s, 1980s, even the 1990s, corporations, businesses, all that they wanted to do was capture as much information as possible from the audience. They want to understand their potential prospect as much as possible. Do they like golfing? Do they like playing tennis? Are they married? Do they have kids? Do they like to go on vacation? Do they use credit? What do they do with their lives? Let’s talk about what movies they like, understanding the stores they visit. Do they actually like Gucci or Rolex? Do they like to shop at Walmart? All this information. The more information an agency have, a business has about a potential customer, the higher the likelihood that business could close them and make them a customer. It’s quite obvious why because when you have a lot of information about a prospect, a client, a customer, it’s easier to communicate with that customer and let them know how you can help them.

For example, these people, these businesses used to take their prospects out to an 18 golf round back in 1960 and in there they will just build a relationship. What that allows you to do is to communicate to them directly towards something that they like. Let me give you an example. I am a Dallas Cowboy’s fan. If you guys haven’t seen that before, you can go through my Instagram feed, through my Facebook pages, all over the place and I talk about it all the time, okay? This is something that has been a passion of mine for a long time. So, Facebook knows that I am a Cowboy’s fan. They know that I have been a Cowboy’s fan for a good 16 or 18 years or so. Facebook has been around for 14 so they know for 14 years for sure that I’ve been a Cowboy’s fan. If I am a marketer and I have a teacher company or I am the Dallas Cowboy, or I developed coffee cups and things like that, that I can do custom apparel or things like that. Whatever it is then I can use Facebook’s information to communicate with that individual with me directly talking about, “Hey, it’s awesome to be a Dallas Cowboy’s fan. Let me give you something here.” That for me guys, if somebody is selling me, for example, a microphone, a charger with a Dallas Cowboy’s brand, a phone case, a shirt – if they’re selling me something with a Dallas Cowboy’s brand on it, then I get to respond more. And that’s basically what information can do for an individual.

So, understanding what your customers like is key to being able to expand your business and hit home to that particular customer and get them to respond. This is the single, most important factor in Facebook advertising. People are generally quitting before they actually find their audience. Again, like the baseball player, in order to be successful in Facebook ads, you have to be willing to actually try finding your audience actively. There’s a lot of tools that you can use that are going to help you find that audience. Audience insights is one of them. Now for example, if you are familiar with the Facebook advertising platform, with the Business Manager, when you select an objective, let’s say for example you want to run a traffic campaign to drive people to your website, you can select an option called Split Test (there’s a little checkbox). You can select Split Test. And when you do that, you have an option to choose up to five different audiences that you want to test out. And what Facebook does is it actually rotate all the different ads that you have going on or one single ad, whatever it is that you set up as the creative between all these different audiences and they tell you who the winner is. You can use that information to scale your business and scale your ads and build other campaigns with that particular winning ad set.

Audience – there are millions of different audiences that you can select along the way but you have to understand who they are. Yes, what we have in front of us guys is a faucet of information, a faucet of customers that you can turn on and turn off at will. If you in your business are struggling to get more customers, if you’re realtor, if you’re an Amazon seller, if you’re an e-commerce seller, if you have a brick and mortar store, if you have an agency, if you’re running marketing for other companies, whatever it is, if you have an insurance company, no matter what it is, if your business can handle more customers, you’ll have to realize that those customers are using the Facebook platform every day. You just simply haven’t done a good enough job at putting your message in front of them. You have to put your message in front of these people actively until you find the ones that are willing to engage back with you. And that is done through number 1, understanding the Facebook platform which I teach a lot, okay? If you guys have been following my content enough, I have mini-courses, I have articles, I have blogs, I have videos, I have a lot of things and I’m all over the place every single day. Why am I so obsessed doing this? Because I like it. I like teaching guys. I like showing you guys how to be successful yourself. For me, that is my number one passion.

For several years I put my head down, I worked and I built some incredible businesses. And now, I have an agency and I have decided to help you guys be successful along the way and just teach you, open up my books wide open to show you guys what needs to be done in order for you to incorporate these strategies into your strategies, into your businesses. It’s a unique era and it’s the reality. If you think about it, like if most of you guys are here listening to this podcast, you, in reality, remember what the world was without the internet. All of you do remember it. So, if you think about it, my kid, my son was born, all 3 of them were born in the internet age so they’re not going to have the same experience. We are the only generation right now in existence, you know, my dad, my grandma – I only have one grandma left – we are the only ones that really remember how the world looked without the internet. Do you understand how big of a deal that is? Let me say that to you again, us, the generation of 30 years old to 40, to 50, in about twenty or thirty years from today, we are going to be the only generation alive that will ever remember, the last one, the only one and the last one that will ever remember the world without the internet.

The age of the internet is taking over the world, right? Well, the age of no internet dies with us when we die, when we pass on and our kids are the only one handling this planet. Nobody else is going to remember how this world survived without cellphones, without wireless signals, without computers, without electronics. Nobody else is going to remember. Let that sink in for a second. We are riding a wave, that’s why my webinar is called “Riding the Facebook Ads Wave” because this company is giving us a wave in which we can have access to a faucet of customers that we can turn on and turn off. Let me tell you one thing about this, one viewpoint that I also want to communicate. If you have a business, brand, service, brick and mortar, no matter what it is, your business is supposed to be making the lives of other people better. If it’s not making it better, then, you don’t have a business. You should move on and get another business. But, if your business makes the lives of other people better, that it is your responsibility to figure out how to use this incredible faucet of clients that you can turn on and turn off at will so you can get as many clients as possible to the point that your problem becomes how to get more staff to help you scale your business. You should never have a problem in this modern era with traffic, with people, because that, you have access to an unlimited amount of them using the power of social media marketing that we have today.

So, that’s what we have today guys. We have an opportunity right now that we want to maximize and just ride it like crazy because, in a few years, it’s going to be a little late in the game. I say that we got a good 2, 3, 4 years ahead of us in which Messenger marketing is going to be a thing, in which Facebook ads will continue to dominate, in which Instagram is going to continue to capture attention in the billions of people now that it is. This is something that no other generation will ever have an opportunity with. When my son starts doing advertising for his business, it’s going to be something already so massive and so popular that is going to be like television is today, crowded and expensive. In reality, we have to maximize this opportunity and understand that the Facebook ads platform is the right ingredient and the first step into jumping into this wave that we have in front of us. Okay guys, fantastic. See you on the next podcast.