Podcast Description

Here’s a secret, the first time you do something will be your worst time doing it. But, then you do it again and again and again. And you keep gathering new skills along the way and soon you’re going to get better and better and better.

This is the pathway to becoming the face of your brand and building your business.

In this short but inspiring podcast, Manuel talks about what it takes to become the face of your brand and why it might be one of the most important things you ever do for your business.

The whole video and many more like it can be found in the Facebook Masters course inside the Getting Started section of the AGM Ninja Lab.

If you’re already a member, simply log into your account to watch the video.

If you’re not a member yet, go to www.agmninjalab.com to get signed up and start learning from the Facebook Marketing Ninja today!


Podcast File

Becoming the Face of Your Brand

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Podcast Transcription


When you are able to stand behind a camera and talk about what you are – your business, your passion – and you become the face of your corporation, of your business and your brand, it makes it easier for you to penetrate.

Because people like to establish relationships.

They trust those people that they can see.

They trust brands a little bit more than brands that are faceless.



Welcome to another episode of the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast.

My name is Jimmy and I’m the Associate Creative Director for Manuel Suarez here at AGM.

And here’s the secret: the first time you do something will be your worst time doing it, but then you do it again and again and again, and you keep gathering new skills along the way.

And soon, you’re going to get better and better and better.

This is the pathway to becoming the face of your brand and building your business!

In this short but inspiring podcast, Manuel talks about what it takes to become the face of your brand and why it might be one of the most important things you ever do for your business.


The AGM Ninja Lab

The whole video and many more like it can be found in the Facebook Masters Course inside the Getting Started section of the AGM Ninja Lab.

If you’re already a member, simply log into your account to watch the video. If you’re not a member yet, that’s okay. Just go over to www.agmninjalab.com to get signed up and start learning from the Facebook Marketing Ninja today.

Go ahead. What are you waiting for?


Becoming the Face of Your Brand

We’re going to talk about something that might be difficult to swallow for a lot of people.

Based on the experience, it used to be difficult for me – and that’s you becoming the face of your brand. This is difficult to confront, but it really is the easiest path to expansion.

Now, if you feel completely uncomfortable with getting behind a camera and talking to the world and talking about your story, explain to the world about who you are, talking about how you’re a small business family owned, that you have this passion to helping people, talking about your background.

If you feel uncomfortable doing that, I understand. I’m going to ask you to take a look into that and find out if you really have what it takes to actually do that.

Some people refuse completely to go in that direction and that’s fine. On this course, it doesn’t depend on doing that at all.

This is just an extra lesson because from my experience, guys, when you are able to stand behind a camera and talk about what you are, your business, your passion, and you become the face of your corporation, of your business, and your brand, it makes it is easier for you to penetrate.

Because people like to establish relationships.


They trust those people that they can see.

They trust brands a little bit more than brands that are faceless.


So that’s something that I can tell you based on my experience.

My dad is an example of that. We built a multi-million dollar business that sells over $35 million a year now because he’s the face of the corporation.

People don’t even question what we do because he’s the face. And they always think about him.

Before they spend any money, they know, he’s on their mind and he trusts him.

So whenever we ask for money and here are the consultants, and here are the people over the phone, anybody that takes orders, because he is the face, they trust them.


Frank Suarez | MetabolismoTV

You guys know that I handle another big brand.

For those of you guys that have seen me for a while and I gave you some examples of that. This other person is doing about… He’s about $50 million in sales this year.

Guys, that’s incredible numbers. We’re talking about one single face of the corporation, one single individual, getting behind the camera, providing value to the world.

And behind him, he has his awesome brand of products.

So that’s one thing that I want you guys to understand that when you have a face, it’s a little bit of an easier path and it’s something that you can get yourself used to.


The Face of Your Brand

I myself, trust me, I was not always comfortable talking to a camera. I didn’t like it. I felt uncomfortable.

My first seminars, I felt like I was actually going to faint. I didn’t even feel that comfortable behind a bunch of people talking and everybody looking at me.

That’s something that actually you work around and eventually you get more confidence in.

Just like riding the bicycle, you get better at it. Just actually improving your marketing skills, you get better at it.


And with time,

you improve along the way.


So this is not something mandatory. I know that a lot of you guys are used to being behind the screen and behind closed doors and out of the world.

But I will tell you that if you have what it takes, you can get behind that camera and start talking to the world.

And start connecting yourself with the world and more with the brand.


There’s a lot of things that you can do!

There’s a lot of very simple things that you can actually do to connect yourself with the actual branding efforts.

You can do Facebook lives and introduce yourself as a CEO, as the owner of the company, as a founder, as a co-founder, as a director of the company, as a product management or whatever it is that you want to use.

And talk about how your product helps people get better.

And then you can actually become, if it’s possible, the content director for yourself and start building content that educates the world about your particular area of expertise.


If you are really good with kids and you’re a writer, or if you are really good with like makeup, then you can get behind that camera and give people tips, give them value about your area of expertise.

And by doing that, you connect yourself with the world and they connect with you and with your brand.


Your brand is always in the limelight

It has to do with like your personal brand, it gets connected instantly with you.

So this is something that is really powerful. And I wanted to give you guys a little lesson about this because if it’s possible, I really want you to trust me.

It is very, very powerful for you to advertise yourself, you as a person get in that camera.

You, as an individual, take pictures of your own stuff with you on them.

You, as an individual, produce a podcast, you talking to the world about your brand and your area of expertise.

Some people might not feel comfortable being behind the camera. That’s fine. Well, if you refuse, completely refuse to do that, well, there are other avenues.


What to Do Aside from Being Behind the Camera?

For example, there’s a podcast which… I talked with you about that before.

In the resource section, you’re going to have information on how to open up an Anchor account.

An Anchor account is super awesome because you can go in there and you can build your own podcast within your cell phone without any complications or any high technology and start communicating to the world through audio content and distribute this all over all podcasts around the world, including in social media.


So pretty much I’m trying to get rid of any excuses that you can have

on the subject of providing value to the world.


And ideally, you connecting yourself with the brand.

I am confident that the long-term survival of yourself and the brand is going to be greatly benefited by you planting your roots as the face of your corporation.

Doing Facebook lives to talk about new product launches, talking about your existence on the Amazon line, or your own launch of your own e-commerce shop, or a new accomplishment.

Like for example, I got 10,000 fans or whatever it is that you open up a new channel, or you got a new podcast.


Doing this consistently every single day is really powerful!

When I talk about it every single day, I’m not exaggerating. I’m talking about every single day, putting yourself out there.

And little by little, getting more familiar with the subject of being a brand. And little by little, getting people to see you more and more and connecting with them.

That way, when you’re asking for something, they don’t think twice about it and they buy in.


So those of you guys, I know it’s not going to be all of you guys. There are probably hundreds of people doing this course. If not thousands, hopefully.

Those of you guys that feel confident enough to start building your personal brand, I want to recommend it to you guys to get it done and start!


The Easiest Path to Expansion

If you have any questions, later on, we can cover them on Facebook lives and in other activities.

And you can actually leave me a comment below here on this lesson and let me know your thoughts on this.

But I think that this is one of the most powerful strategies in this modern era. You can build a personal brand that is connected with a huge brand, and that way we dominate the world. You dominate the world.

It is the easiest path to expansion!

Guys, think about this. Spend the next couple of days contemplating the idea of you getting behind the camera and you getting out of any cocoon, if you actually are in one of those, and start communicating to the world and providing value and connecting.

Outro: Hey guys, it’s Jimmy again. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. If you want to learn more advanced Ninja tactics to grow your business and master social media marketing, then sign up for the Manuel Suarez coaching program by heading over to our website, www.agmninjalab.com.

That’s www.agmninjalab.com!

Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: agmninjalab.com/free-mini-course

If you’re ready to take your social media marketing game to the next level, then check out the AGM Ninja Lab by visiting agmninjalab.com.
And don’t forget to follow me on social media for even more marketing tips and strategies. I post content every day, so be sure to follow me on your favorite platforms!
Messenger Channel: www.m.me/theninjamarketer/
Ps: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Facebook Marketing Ninja Podcast and if you found value in today’s episode please leave a review.
For more information about my advertising agency (AGM MARKETING) or if you would like to hire AGM for your marketing needs, please contact us at contact@agmagency.com/ or 1.888.280.3339