Podcast Description

Getting started with social media marketing doesn’t have to be all that complex and confusing. In fact, there are 3 easy things you can do right now to jumpstart your social media marketing and you don’t even need a Facebook business page for the first two of them.

These 3 things are competitor research, reverse engineering what those competitors are doing, and producing content that provides upfront value to people and then amplifying it.

Once you complete steps 1 and 2 then you can set up your Facebook business page and perform step 3.

Finally, it’s the repetition of these 3 easy steps that can help you build the foundation for the rest of your digital marketing success strategy.


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3 Simple Steps to Start Social Media Marketing Now!

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And today the world of digital marketing has presented to you an enormous opportunity for you to understand what other brands and companies are already doing.

Doing that process and researching what other people are doing, other brands are doing, we call that ‘Reverse Engineering’.



Welcome to the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. My name is Jimmy and I’m the Associate Creative Director for Manuel Suarez here at AGM.

Did you know that you can learn the same skills, strategies, and tactics that Manuel and his agency, AGM Marketing, use every day for their client success? It’s true.

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And right now you can try it out for one full week for just $1. Go to agmninjalab.com to get started today. That’s A-G-M-N-I-N-J-A-L-A-B.com.

Swing over there and snatch up your one-week $1 test drive today!

Getting started with social media marketing doesn’t have to be all that complex and confusing. In fact, there are three easy things you can do right now to jumpstart your social media marketing, and you don’t even need a Facebook business page for the first two of them.

These three things are competitor research, reverse engineering what those competitors are doing, and producing content that provides upfront value to people and then amplifying.

Once you complete steps one and two, then you can set up your Facebook business page and perform step three.

Finally, it’s the repetition of these three easy steps that can help you build a foundation for the rest of your digital marketing success strategy.


Three Steps on How to Start Your Digital Marketing

Hey, my name is Manuel Suarez and I’m the CEO and founder of a marketing agency called AGM, which stands for Attention Grabbing Media. And I’m here to teach you about marketing on these digital platforms, and hopefully, you have a lot to learn and I can help you with that.

So let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I want to talk about reverse engineering and I wanted to give you guys three simple steps for you to be able to get started with digital marketing.

There is no easier way to start with digital marketing and social media marketing in these platforms than understanding what your competitors are already doing out there.

If there’s an existing niche that your business is in – which most of you already have a niche that has competitors, unless your name is Elon Musk or your name is some other person inventing a brand new technology that nobody else has come up with.

Generally, we have a lot of competition – beauty brands, designers, real estate, e-commerce brands, supplements. We have a lot of people out there that are doing great things with their brand.

Many of them are accomplishing enormous success. Some of them are doing quite well and some of them are going downhill. It really does depend.

I’m going to give you three steps for you to be able to get started with digital marketing now, because the easiest path for you to do, establish your own path, is for you to understand what others are already doing out there.

And today, the world of digital marketing has presented to you an enormous opportunity for you to understand what other brands and companies are already doing.


What is Reverse Engineering?

Doing that process and researching what other people are doing, other brands are doing, we call that reverse engineering, which means that you go back into something that’s been done already and you break it down and you understand the process and how it works.

So let’s get to it. I’m going to give you the three simple steps to get started.


Number one, I want you to:

Make a list of 10 or 20 competitors

Why do I say 10 or 20? Well, because it really does depend on your niche market.

Some of us have really big markets and some of us have less competitive markets. So it really does depend.

If your market is not that competitive, let’s say that you are a musician and you’re trying to sell your music and your albums.

Well, in the digital marketing world, there are not a lot of people doing this correctly, but let’s say that you’re a beauty brand or you’re a supplement, or you are an agency like me. There’s a lot of people out there that are trying to accomplish the same with digital marketing.

So what I will do is that I will create an Excel sheet or a Google sheet or whatever you prefer and start making a list of all your competitors.

And an easy way to find out data, if you go to Google and you search on Google for your keyword, your product, let’s say, for example, a digital marketing agency. And let’s see what comes up when I search that over here.

So this is my, my particular area. This is what I do. I have a marketing agency. We have 80 staff. We have a lot of people that are great in this organization. We service people from all walks of life. We have people like Daymond, John, the People’s Shark.

And we have an actual health expert like Dr. Eric Berg and my own father who’s a social media influencer. And so on. We service people with digital marketing.

Well, let’s see what we have over here. These first results are all ads that are being placed there by Google. This one is called Digital Performance Agency Metric Theory. All right.

I want to find out – not the ads, because these guys are paying to be there – I want to find out who shows up first. And these guys right here, Social Manna’s Digital Marketing Agency. Well, let’s make a note of that.

I’m going to go back over here to my note and let’s make a note, Social Manna Marketing Agency.

Let me tell you one thing that I can guarantee right now, these people are on social media. Why? Because if they’re not on social media, they wouldn’t be called Social Manna’s Marketing Agency, right? Otherwise, that would be almost hypocritical.

So let’s see what else we got here. Digital Media Solutions. That’s another one over here in my area. Power Moves Digital Marketing websites, that’s another one right there. Let’s go ahead and write down that other one, Digital Media Solutions. So this is one, Digital Media Solutions.

If you have a service industry and that’s what you do, Google is your best place to find competitors.

If you have an e-commerce product, you have a brand, a supplement, some kind of like, product that sells on Amazon, Amazon is your go-to place to find competitors.

You want to make a list of 10 or 20 of them. The bigger, the better before you move on to the next step, Amazon, Google, Bing. All these places are going to be great sources for you to find out somebody else out there that is doing the same thing that you’re trying to do.

All right. So here we go. Once you’re past that first step, we’re going to go to the second one.


We’re going to

Reverse Engineer These People

We want to know what they’re doing. Of course, you also want to focus on the ones that are having obvious success.

If you go to Google and you find a company with a lot of reviews, that says a lot about that brand. If you see them having only one or two, well, maybe they’re not doing that great yet.

If you go to an e-commerce brand on Amazon and you see somebody with a lot of reviews, they’re probably doing a pretty good job already.

So you want to make these people be on your list because you want to understand what the ones that are successful are doing to win in the game of digital marketing.

So now we’re going to reverse engineer them, and this is where it gets amazing!

I’m going to go back here to Google, and I’m going to perform a search on the Google search engine. And I’m going to search for the following. Make note of this. This is very complicated: Facebook Ad Library.

When you search for that, the first thing that shows up over here, aside from the ad, ignore the ad, is this one over here, Facebook Ad Library.

This is where you want to go. I’m going to go ahead and click on this one over here. And it’s going to open up this new window. And this is where every single ad in the entire world of Facebook, on Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, any of the Facebook family of apps, you can find out exactly what they’re running on social media.

No matter what that brand is, whether they’re a political brand or whether they’re just an e-commerce brand or a local mom and pop shop, no matter who they are, you’re going to be able to see them here.


Facebook calls that FULL TRANSPARENCY

Because of the attacks that happened in 2019 with Facebook and Facebook going through those things that were created by a company called Cambridge Analytica, which it’s a UK company that was actually selling the data in an illegitimate way and Facebook got in trouble because of that, they went into direction for several years to provide transparency across their platform.


There’s not a single platform, not a single ad that is actually obscure in the world of social media anymore.

It’s all fully visible.


So you want to grab your list of clients or I’m sorry, not clients. You want to grab your list of competitors and you want to start performing a search. So let’s go ahead and grab one of these competitors right here as an example, Social Manna’s Marketing Agency.

Let’s find out if they have some ads going on. How am I going to find out? Well, I’m going to perform a search.

Now, one thing to note. This green button over here is exclusively for political ads. You don’t want to have that option selected. So you want to go and you want to select one that says search all.

Remember how I found this place right here, Google Facebook ad library? So I’m going to go search all, and then I’m going to perform a search over here. And it says search for ads by advertiser name. All right. So let’s perform here a search and it was Social Manna’s Digital Marketing Services.

All right. So over here, we’ve got it right here. There’s actually two that are similar, three that are similar, but I’m going to go on and I’m going to hit this one over here.

And by the way, you also can select, you can select companies that are – by keywords – and you can perform searches over here.

So, okay. So, these guys are not running any ads on social media. That’s not a good sign, right? Okay. I’m going to go out and search for another one. Let’s do, for example, another advertising company that I know quite well, Tier 11.

Tier 11.

And this one advertising agency over here, let me go and click on this one and see if they have – running any ads. I can see information about where the page was created and they have 54 ads running.

You can see here that, for example, we want to start getting inspiration. So what is the purpose of going through these steps?



You want to understand what other successful businesses, brands, organizations are doing to capture attention in these platforms.

And you want to understand how simple, how complex or whatever the creatives look like, including their copy, their videos, and all of it in between.

This example over here shows us this simple ad: Ready for results like these customers? Click this link to apply now. There’s a link right there, and there’s a very simple video and I can even click on it to find out exactly what that looks like.

Video: Check out what other…

That is a testimonial video. That individual is an, is the actual founder of Tier 11 and he’s talking about introducing his product. And then he’s giving testimonials of people talking about his product.


Simplicity of content is absolutely crucial

You can see here on this point, he’s explaining something and he’s teaching something. Just like me, I’m teaching something about it. You guys get an opportunity to also learn something while I get an opportunity to brand my company called AGM Marketing, which – maybe one day, you’re going to be interested to get some help from a qualified marketing agency that can help you take your marketing game to the next level.


This is what we call inbound marketing

We put content out there. We provide value. We educate. And by doing that, it builds a connection with these people. So long-term, I can bring them into the journey towards becoming my clients.

More examples over here of what they are, what they’re doing, and the list goes on and on.

I can see when they started running it. I can see the details of it. The call to actions that they are using, the call to action buttons over here. For example, Apply Now. All the details are in here, whether on Facebook or Instagram, and I can start making notes and saving these links so I can get creative inspiration.

Once I’m done with that, and I do all that research, and I spend some time looking at all these brands and what they’re really doing so I can get an idea of what I need to do myself, then, I move on to the third and the final step.


And that final step is

Produce the Content and Amplify


This is where you actually start grabbing that content. As you get inspired, you grab a video camera or you grab a phone, or you grab a recording studio, and whatever you can do, you start creating this content.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It just has to be content of value, something that makes somebody else better. And you start putting that content out there on Facebook and Instagram, on stories – on both Facebook and Instagram stories, on Instagram, TV, on Instagram Reels, any way you have a chance to put that content out there and then you amplify it.


What does it mean to amplify?

Yes. They also call it boost. You invest some advertising dollars, so you can get that seen by more people. And that’s going to give you bigger and bigger audiences.

And that, my friends, is how you get started with digital marketing.


So again, to recap, we got…
  1. Make a list of 10, 20 competitors. Use Google, use Amazon, use wherever your competitors are.
  2. Reverse engineer these competitors. Use the Facebook Ad Library to help you understand what these people are doing on social media; and
  3. Start producing content from that inspiration and start amplifying that content to help you find more of your customers to help you find more of your actual buyers of your products and services.

All right, hopefully, that provided a lot of value to you. And hopefully, you like the content. If you have a question, you can leave it in the comments below and I will get to it myself, or you can send me a text message at (813) 212-2196. I will see you in the next episode.

Outro: Hey guys, it’s Jimmy again. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. If you want to learn more advanced Ninja tactics to grow your business and master social media marketing, then sign up for the Manuel Suarez coaching program by heading over to our website, www.agmninjalab.com. That’s www.agmninjalab.com.


Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: agmninjalab.com/free-mini-course
If you’re ready to take your social media marketing game to the next level, then check out the AGM Ninja Lab by visiting agmninjalab.com.
And don’t forget to follow me on social media for even more marketing tips and strategies. I post content every day, so be sure to follow me on your favorite platforms!
Messenger Channel: www.m.me/theninjamarketer/
Ps: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Facebook Marketing Ninja Podcast and if you found value in today’s episode please leave a review.
For more information about my advertising agency (AGM MARKETING) or if you would like to hire AGM for your marketing needs, please contact us at contact@agmagency.com/ or 1.888.280.3339