7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Marketing

por | Feb 6, 2021 | Podcast | 0 Comentarios



There will always be mistakes made anytime we start new adventures in life. And learning how to market your business or starting a marketing agency is definitely an adventure.

In this podcast, Manuel covers 7 things he wishes he knew back when he was getting started in the marketing world years ago.

So, please learn from his mistakes and let Manuel give you the jumpstart he didn’t have. Check it out!



7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Marketing

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Most people don’t care about my products and services. They simply don’t.

If you look at it, I want you to understand the enormous size of this planet.

Yes, you might be asking yourself, wait a second. We are a tiny speck of dust in comparison to the universe, but when it comes to an individual product or service, an individual brand, the world is enormous.



Welcome to the Facebook Marketing Ninja podcast. My name is Jimmy and I’m the Associate Creative Director for Manuel Suarez here at AGM.

Go ahead and hit subscribe to stay up-to-date on the best social marketing tips out there.

Today’s episode title is: 7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Marketing.

There will always be mistakes made anytime we start new adventures in life. And learning how to market your business or starting a marketing agency is definitely an adventure.

In this podcast, Manuel covers seven things he wishes he knew back when he was getting started in the marketing world years ago.

So please, learn from his mistakes and let Manuel give you the jumpstart he didn’t have. Check it out!



In this video, I’m going to talk about seven things I wish I knew before I started marketing. So listen up.

All right. So there’s a series of things that I have been discovering along the way. I am Manuel Suarez. I’m the founder and the CEO of a marketing agency called AGM Marketing.

AGM stands for Attention Grabbing Media, and we spend millions of dollars a month in advertising, and we have a lot of data and we’ve been growing this company from myself just five years ago to now a company of 80 people as I’m recording this right now in 2021.

So I want to teach you guys some of the most important things that I along the way have discovered that are going to probably help you if you want to go down a similar path yourself.

So I have seven things on this whiteboard right here, and I want to break down one-by-one what these things are.

I’ve put a lot of work into thinking about – what can I teach you guys that is going to give you some value – so you can really set yourself up for success in this digital marketing environment.

And some lessons that I’ve learned along the way that probably would have gotten me faster to where I’m at today if I didn’t make those mistakes.

Or maybe it would have cost me a lot of money if I kept on going down these mistakes. So I want to give that to you right now during this video.


7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Marketing

So the first thing is number one, and the number one thing that I wish I knew when I started doing marketing on these platforms, going way back to 2012 was that…


Number one:

Failure is inevitable

You’re going to fail as a digital marketer

If somebody comes to you and tells you that they’re going to have a guaranteed positive return on investment, guaranteed, no questions asked…

If somebody tells you that they have never failed in the world of marketing and that whenever they touch a particular account, whenever they work on a particular business or a brand, they always, always succeed…

That is your number one red flag right there.

Trust me. I learned that mistake myself the hard way.

Way back when, when I was actually building my digital marketing agency and when I was helping some people in the world of marketing, I had had the luck, I would say, of being lucky enough that I had succeeded three times out of three times that I attempted on building some campaigns and helping some people with their digital marketing.

Because of that, I used to walk into meetings and conversations with clients and I used to tell them things like, “Hey, I have been a hundred percent perfect in my marketing. I have never failed at it. Whenever I started building a digital brand, I’ve been successful at it.

I don’t say that anymore. I have failed many, many times.

Now, let’s look at that at the micro-level, I’m talking about marketing for an individual brand or a business.

Well, the one thing about it that you will need to understand is that when you’re marketing for one brand, let’s say that you’re using Facebook ads and Instagram ads, and you’re using the Facebook Business Manager, which – side note – I do talk about that a lot in a lot of different videos and you guys can find them on my YouTube channel, Facebook pages, et cetera.

If I am marketing one particular brand, every single day, I have many campaigns going on.

Some campaigns are for generating leads. Some of them are for branding. Some of them are for conversions and getting sales and purchases.


A lot of things are going on any single day.

Many of those campaigns will inevitably fail.


I like to give you an analogy just so you understand what this whole thing is like.

In the world of marketing, I like to compare that to baseball.

When you get on base three out of 10 times, you actually are a rockstar. You are a superstar, probably go into the hall of fame.

If you fail seven out of 10 times, marketing is the same way.


You’re going to fail

many, many times.


And you’re going to find some campaigns that are successful that you can scale. And a lot of these campaigns that you actually have to shut down.

So one thing that you guys need to keep in mind is that it is part of… part and parcel.

It is inevitable that you guys are going to create campaigns that will fail, and you have to be willing to adjust as fast as possible.

So that is my lesson number one. So let’s move on to the next one.


Number two:

Obsessive learning is not optional

Meaning that you have to continuously make yourself stronger and better in this environment, especially when you’re talking about social media marketing.

Why? Because it’s moving so fast.

There are so many moving pieces, and you’re going to have a tough time trying to stay on top of the game if you do not get yourself educated consistently.

For example, I have a program. It’s called the AGM Ninja Lab.

If you guys go to AGM Ninja Lab – AGM stands for Attention Grabbing Media – you guys are going to see there that we have consistent training.

Actually, it has been almost four years of doing trainings every single week to keep people up-to-date.

So on this platform, we keep people up-to-date with digital marketing.

You got to stay up-to-date as much as possible to ensure that you guys keep on getting results based on today’s existing opportunities.

Because as you know, it is a fast-moving world and it’s changing every single day.

I would recommend that you come up with a routine in which every day, you’re spending some time to learn something new.


If you go to bed and you ask yourself, what did you learn that day? And you don’t have an answer,

wake up, get out of bed and learn something that day.


You have YouTube, you have programs, you have coaching, you have Facebook, you have all these platforms that could educate you on something that’s going to make you better in the digital marketing world.

Number two, make sure that you guys are always obsessively learning. All right.


Number three:

You need to learn to trust the platforms

And I’ll be simple on this particular thing. I used to have an idea, romantic idea that I know exactly who my customer is, and I understand it better than anybody else. And my product is so amazing. And I am so good at it that somebody would be lucky if they find my product.

That’s a little bit of a wrong idea here, even though you might have a really good product, you might have a really good service, understand that most people are not going to be interested in what your product is.

And you need to allow the platform to help you find customers and prospects interested in your brand.

Facebook and Instagram have a very intelligent algorithm that continues to look for people interested in you.

And you have to trust the system and not be romantic about what you think you should be doing on these platforms.

So, one thing that I’ve learned along the way is to make sure that I trust the platforms to help me discover audiences interested in my products and services.

Number four, and we have something that I just slightly touched on right now.


IV. Most people don’t care about my products and services

They simply don’t. If you look at it, I want you to understand the enormous size of this planet.

Yes, you might be asking yourself, wait a second. We are a tiny speck of dust in comparison to the universe, but when it comes to an individual product or service, an individual brand, the world is enormous.

You’re talking about 220 million people across Facebook and Instagram. Just in the US, two point something billion people – with a B – active on social media platforms across the world.

Most of these people are not going to be interested in your products and services.

So the faster that you understand that, the harder that you can work on finding your audience and trusting the algorithm and letting Facebook help you find an interested audience, willing to actually look at your products and services. That’s number four.

Number five: It’s a very important thing that I realized along the way. When you don’t realize this point, it’s very difficult to actually get into a system that allows you to scale your business.


V. There are unlimited amounts of clients, customers, prospects in this environment

Pretty much unlimited. All right, if you get to the level that you’re like an Apple company with a trillion dollars in market capitalization, and you’re like a humongous company, then they do have a limit to their growth.

But us small business owners, small entrepreneurs, even medium-sized businesses, we really do have an unlimited potential on these platforms.

So, one of the things that I didn’t realize back then is that I really have unlimited scalability. And what determines my success in this platform is strategy.

The strategy, I did not intend to delete that.

The strategy is what determines whether I make it in this environment or not.

Strategy has to be adjusted and you win if you have the right strategy.

My dad always taught me as an entrepreneur, one of my biggest mentors, he always said, “Son, you don’t win a war with a battle. You win it with a strategy.

It doesn’t matter how many people you have on your side. If you have the right strategy, you win.

So you have an unlimited amount of people that you can service. And it’s all about addressing these guys and getting to the right people and having the right message. And that strategy is going to help you get these people’s attention.

What is the main strategy? Well, that’s my sixth point. We’ve got two points left over here. My main strategy on social media is one of the things that I wish I knew when I started doing marketing back in 2012, and that is…


VI. Providing Value First Will Always Win

Always win! I am providing value to you here. I’m giving you my roadmap, my process, my thought process, my ideas, my strategies, my vision. By doing that, you get to trust me.

And the more you trust me along the way, the more that I can ask things from you.

I am not entitled to get your business. I am not entitled to get you to give me anything. I have to give you value and enough value that you trust me along the way. So when I ask you for something, you believe in me.

If you look at what I’ve done for a lot of the brands that I get to work with – from Dr. Eric Berg to NaturalSlim and MetabolismoTV, to my own agency built from scratch to Daymond John, and to Chick Corea and to all these guys that I get to work with every single day – it’s all built on providing value first.

You put that content out there, you put that value out there and you build audiences of people interested in what your message is all about.

And that’s the people that you actually retarget with your messages and get them to purchase your products, your services, your offers.

And this is applicable to any business out there no matter what your model is, whether you’re a business to consumer, whether you’re a business to business…


If you really want to make it in this environment,

providing value first will always win.

And last but not least, it’s about…


VII. Riding Waves

It’s about riding opportunities. And that’s one of the last things that I’ll always be talking about and its the subject of – in this environment, remember that there’s only about 10 to 14 platforms that are dominating attention across the world. You can count them with your fingertips.

You have Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, you got Snapchat, Twitter, you got Tiktok, you got Pinterest. All these platforms are very, very few. And because of that, the chances of you creating your own platform are slim to none when you look at the bulk of humanity and the billions of people on this planet.


Your job is to discover opportunities

and ride them.


And as soon as you find them, you ride them because these opportunities, waves, are happening with or without you. So make sure that you do everything that you can to take advantage of these opportunities when they show up.

Facebook ads, opportunity. Messenger marketing, opportunity. Text message marketing, opportunity, and the list goes on and on. All right – riding opportunity waves.

So there you have it. Seven points that I wish I knew when I started learning marketing and started implementing marketing that I want you guys to take advantage of that hopefully is going to help you cut a little bit of that time that takes you to be successful in this environment.

And I will see you guys on the next episode. Please remember if you enjoyed this video, if you enjoyed this content, subscribe, follow, interact with me somehow, leave me a comment below. And if you have a question for me on the subject of marketing, send me a text message at (813) 212-2196. I’ll see you on the next episode.


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About the Author

After delivering seminars all over the world, I realized how unique the knowledge I have really is. So I decided to share my ability, to help people become successful in what I view to be the greatest marketing era in humanity’s history.

I’ve built several million-dollar businesses. It can be done. Now I want to show you how.

Stay tuned for tools and strategies you can use right now to build your brands and increase revenue!